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Horse Terrace Sluicing Company .—The mining privileges owned by Messrs. Beilby, Richardson, and recently amalgamated,*Jand are now worked as one concern, Mr. Richardson taking full control of all operations, which give employment to eight men. Old Kent Road Sluicing Company (late New Lyell Sluicing Company).—This claim is now owned and worked by Georgj Walsh and two wages-men. The works are in good order, but, so far, the results from recent operations are not known. Newton Flat Hydraulic Syndicate have recently purchased all the mining privileges, plant, &c, recently held by the Newton Flat Hydraulic Sluicing Company. Operations are under the charge of W. Neal, who gives employment/to six'men. The varied works, including water-races, pipe-lines, <fee., are in good order and repair. Blue Duck Creek. —Sydney Welch and mate, having had a successful season of lucrative employment by sluicing the upper layers of the auriferous deposits, recently determined to develop the deeper wash, and work the whole thickness in one continuous face. This is now well advanced, and, with the efficient water-supply available, the party hope to commence sluicing operations at an early date. Hunter's Claim. —This mining privilege, under the charge of Mr. McDowell, affords employment for five men. and the works are kept in workmanlike order. Thornton and Scofield (two men) have just opened a more elevated face on the terraces, with satisfactory results. Willis Sluicing Claim (two men). —The operations here are under the charge of John Dowell, who keeps the property in good order. Mitchell and Thomson. —This party has done little or no work on the claim during the year, owing to shortage of water, due to non-completion of the water-race, which will not be finished to the proper intake for some time to come. Mangles.— Z. Ekuneu is working on a small branch of the Mangles, for a bare living-wage. About eight old ( men and an equal number of migratory Chinese eke out an existence fossicking along the river-beaches and gullies. Preeble and Fairhatt have obtained a subsidy of £100, at the rate of £1 for £1, towards the cost of driving a low-level tunnel at Newton Flat. Barclay Brothers have just completed a series of successful prospecting operations on" the north bank of the Newton River, and intend to connect same by pipe-line from their original water-races on the south bank. Boatman's. Howell and Son continue to sluice the auriferous drifts which have been carried down during denudation. These drifts are varied in value, and lie in irregular pockets, amongst large boulders, removal of which is sometimes attended with danger. Subsequent to the excessive dry season, heavy rainfalls carried away large portions of the high-level water-race, at a time when profitable work was much needed. However, these repairs are now completed, and sluicing is again in full swing. Water is more plentiful. Grey Valley. Upper Blackwater. —These elevated alluvial deposits cover a large workable area, practically on the same altitudes with the reefs, which are now being developed by the Blackwater Company. As a consequence, water for sluicing purposes is not reliable in quantity, and the few parties interested are satisfied to wait rainfall. An efficient water-supply may possibly be obtained, but considerable expenditure in labour and capital will be required to cut and maintain eight miles of water-race, a project too great for the few parties concerned. Three parties, comprising seven men, find employment, with varied results, although when water is plentiful wages are above the average. The gold is a heavy coarse sample, easily saved. Bell Hill Syndicate.— Since this property was opened, shortage of an efficient water-supply has been one of the principal factors affecting the economy of operations This want has be n duly considered, and during the early months of the year operations were wholly directed in reconstructing the main water-race, re-erecting and enlarging the flumes, and driving a low-level tail-race. The conservation of storm-water has also received further attention, but when visited the owners had not decided whether the enlargement of the old dam or the construction of a new one further up the flat would be the most serviceable, as cost was a first consideration. Montgomery s Terrace (R. Quinn, manager). —Continuous slips on the main water-race have interrupted successful operations. As a k means, however, to obviate this frequent and ruinous stoppage, substantial fluming has been constructed on the weak sections of the race. Thus, with the further addition of a storage-dam of sufficient capacity to hold the full flow of water between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., hope is entertained that efficiency of operations is more assured. During the last four months of the year improvement in sluicing operations has been noticeable; water-supply, ample; while the water-race and dam have given full satisfaction. Yield of gold, 286 oz. 7 dwt. 21 gr ; value, £1,129 12s. Bd. Republic. —Messrs. Owen, Guigan, and Brown work this mine on tribute, but work has been much interrupted, owing largely to the almost continuous slips on the water-race. Consequently, sluicing operations have been the reverse of profitable. Red Jack's (three men). —Sluicing operations on this property have been very irregular. The property and plant are in good order. Red Jack's Creek. —A subsidy of £91 ss. was authorised to the Upper Blackwater Miners' Association, and transferred in favour of George White, to drive 1,000 ft. of tunnel. Of this distance, 330 ft. has so far been driven.