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ore milled was 98,027 tons, yielding 41,717 oz. 1 dwt. 12 gr., valued at £160,532 17s. 9d., against 633 persons employed. For the year 1906 the average stone mined per person employed was 145-861 tons, and for 1907, 154 862 tons. Comparing the tonnage milled, yield of gold, and values, the following will show the relative decrease for the year 1907 : Shortage in tonnage milled, 2,180 tons ; in yield of bullion. 2.235 oz. 3 dwt. 22 gr. ; in values, £9,396 2s. 2d., against a decrease of fifty-four persons employed. Dividends paid during 1906 amounted to £45,707 10s., and during 1907 to £39,175, the latter being a decrease of £6,532 lOs. During the year 1907 there were one underground fatal accident and one surface accident, not serious. HYDRAULIC AND ALLUVIAL MINING. Mahikipawa. Mahikipawa. —Several parties obtain satisfactory returns by sluicing the terraces when water is available, hut owing to the excessive dry weather recently experienced, shortage of water necessitated all sluicing operations to be abandoned. Wakamarina. —-Now that the river is lower than at any period known to the oldest digger, some nice nuggets have been recently obtained by fossicking the crevices in the river-bed. Takaka. Takaka Hxjdraulic Sluicing Company. —Mining on this property continues to make active headway, but, although the head sources of the water-supply have been considered almost reliable, elevating had to be suspended during the excessive dry season, and operations restricted to surface sluicing in Patten's Gully. Workings and general equipment are kept in good order. ( 'ollingwooo. Parapara Hydraulic Sluicing and Elevating Company (James Bassett, mine-manager).-—Although the sluicing operations to free level on Appos Flat were somewhat hampered by shortness of water during the months of January and February, the yield of gold from the surface and upper auriferous gravels gave a satisfactory yield of 254 oz., closing on the 24th June. From this date the original proposition to elevate the deeper gravels was established, while it may be interesting to note that the y.eld by the elevating system was 733 oz., making a total of 987 oz. for the year. Now that a welldefined face of wash has beenYsystematically developed, where the values of " the old creek-wash " overlying the white-quartz deposits give highly payable results at a surface depth of 30 ft., it may be anticipated that, with the efficient water-supply available, the future prospects of the company are well assured. Quartz Ranges. —Until recently this property was held by Mr. C. ;Y. Fell, of Nelson. During Mr. Fell's term of tenure Mr. W. Diamond and party of four men have worked the property on tribute, which expires some time in February. Slate River Sluicing Company. —Notwithstanding the large expenditure incurred towards the storage of water in the Toitoi Dam, together with the heavy work encountered to maintain efficient tail-race fall from the deeper deposits, the present developments fail to show a favourable position of affairs on behalf of the shareholder, as all work is now suspended for an indefinite period Westpori. The German Creek and its tributaries afford no fresh developments, and mining may be said to remain in the hands of a few old-age pensioners, who rake a few pennyweights in the creek-beds and gullies. • Christmas Terrace. —The original promoters of this suDsidised tunnel have, after a successful period of employment, lost the auriferous lead, and prior to abandonment carried out fruitless prospecting operations. After the surrender of the claim a miner named Docherty has been successful in picking up the lead, which so far driven on is promising. Rochfort Terrace. —Whilst driving this subsidised tunnel the full authorised distance (1,500 ft.), several leads were intersected, but not considered payable. James, being determined to prove the Ruby lead further, has driven a duplicate tunnel 250 ft. This additional tunnel will assist ventilation and make a better roadway. McKenzie's Creek, Fairdown. —-James Gardiner, having recently reopened and extended an old abandoned tunnel on the eastern terrace bank of the McKenzie Creek, has been successful in intersecting the Ruby lead, so profitably worked in the adjoining terraces. The find is considered important, and likely to insure average wages for some time. Giles Creek. —The Brothers Wilson, who are ground-sluicing on the eastern bank of this creek, find steady and lucrative employment. Simes and Lines (three men). —This energetic party find lucrative employment by hydraulic sluicing the elevated terraces which form the western bank of the Giles Creek. During the year the Warden granted an additional six heads of water. Waimangaroa River. —The elevated terraces which form the north and south banks of this river continue to maintain average wages by driving out and washing the gravels by very primitive methods. There are four parties thus employed. McLellan, of Ngakawau, has taken up a river-bed area opposite the Waimangaroa Township, and installed a portable steam-engine, with the object of draining the actual bed of the creek by means of centrifugal pumps. When visited development had only attained a very elementary stage. This modern system of mining is likely to supersede dredging.