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'evel, but are confining their attention to sinking winzes under the No. 4 level (320 it.), on the Caraigan No. 1 reef. The company treated 101 tons of ore from the mine, for a yield of 53 oz., valued at £154. An average of six men were employed. New May Queen Mine. —Mining operations have been confined to Nos. 5 and 6 levels. At No, B level (627 ft. from the collar of the shaft) a crosscut to cut the St. Hippo lode was extended 300 ft., making a total distance of about 600 ft. At that point a lode was met with and driven on for over 100 ft. on each side of the crosscut. The lode varied from 3 ft. to 10 ft. in width, but so far the values are unpayable. It is hoped that further exploration of the lode will results. Blocks of ground on the No. 4 and North-west lodes have been stoped out to the No. 4 level (500 ft.), with favourable results. In the foot-wall of No. 4 lode a small leader, 3 in. wide, has been driven on, the quartz showing gold freely, and some picked stone was secured. A winze is being sunk on the leader. The work at No. 6 level (720 ft.) is principally stoping on the North-west and No. 4 lodes, from which some payable ore was treated. A winze had been sunk on the No. 4 lode below the No. 6 level to a depth of 52 ft., when water came in, causing sinking to be stopped. Throughout the whole distance sunk the ore has been good, and frequently picked stone was secured. A crosscut is now being driven from the Queen of Beauty shaft, No. 11 level (800 ft.), for the purpose of draining the winze. When completed, the crosscut will give a block of 100 ft. to the floor of the No. 6 level (May Queen shaft) on the No. 4 and North-west lodes. The lode is expected to be cut at a distance of 350 ft. A start has been made from the No. 11 level, in the Queen of Beauty shaft, to drive south on the No. 2 reef, and good results are anticipated. In the face of the drive the ore is 18 in. wide. During the year 2,692 tons of ore and 320 lb. of picked stone was treated, for a yield of 1,315 oz., valued at £3,770. An average of thirty-two men were employed. New Una Mine. —Five men haveiieen employed driving a new low level to cut the Duke and other reefs which traverse the property, and yielded rich values in the higher levels. 400 ft. has been driven for the year, making the level 557 ft. in length. At this point the Duke lode was cut into, and proved to he 18 in. wide, but of low grade. New Dart Mine. —In the early part of the year eight men were employed prospecting in the aditlevel section and in the No. 2 level shaft section. A considerable amount of driving was done on the reef from time to time by former companies. The present holders intend testing samples obtained from this reef, and also samples from large blocks of ore in sight. 90 tons of ore was treated, for a yield of 76 oz., valued at £212. Fortuna Extended (New Dart Company). —Two men have been employed prospecting, but nothing of importance has been discovered. Occidental Mine. —The company holding this mine have been devoting a greater portion of the time to prospecting, with the object of picking up some of the reefs which were profitably worked some time ago. Two men were employed, and good progress is being made with the work. Lord Nelson and North Star. —Work consisted chiefly of prospecting the outcrops of several reefs in the claim, from which ore was treated, yielding 88 oz., valued at £232. The undertaking has been most remunerative, and warrants a more systematic method of mining. An average of two men were employed. Reliance Mine. —A drive was put in from the side of the hill cutting No. 2 reef, which was driven on for some distance. A winze was then sunk on the reef to a depth of 78 ft. A portion of the lode was stoped out, but results showed it to be of low grade. 67 loads were treated for a yield of 77 oz., valued at £209. Four men were employed. < 'Inreimml ('/aim. —ln the early part of the year a contract for 50 ft., more or less, was let, but apart from this very little work has been done on the mine. The returns, however, are well maintained, 2 cwt. of picked stone yielding 321 oz., valued at £861. Arrindell Claim. —Practically no work has been done during the year, as the property has been under protection for a considerable portion of the period pending the reconstruction of the company. A new company of the same name has now been registered in Glasgow, and it anticipates being in a position to recommence mining operations within the next few months. It is proposed to substitute water-power in the place of steam-power for driving the battery, and this work will be undertaken at once. Six men were employed. Baßarat Claim. —This claim has been continuously worked by Mr. Britt for a number of years. Two men were employed, and 3 tons of general dirt was treated for a return of 65 oz., valued at £177. Golden Drop Claim. —A considerable amount of driving, risine. and stoping has been done on a small leader, from which 4 tons of ore were treated, and gave a value of £22. The undertaking has I n unprofitable all along, hut the owner is hopeful of discovering something better. Day Dawn and Norfolk Mines. —A rise has been constructed from the adit level on the Sunbeam rise for 150 ft., from which height an intermediate level was driven for 114 ft. west on the reef. At that point a crosscut is being driven to connect a winze sunk from No. 2 level, from which good ore was obtained. When the connection is made there will he a large block of *p to operate on. In the Charter section stoping was done on the Dunedin reef, and the ore won was of good value ; but through the lack of systematic connection with the adit level, operations were suspended until a connection was made. In the adit-level section the No. 2 level was in a bad state, and is closed off for repairs. 600 tons of ore were treated, for a yield of 196 oz., valued at £538. Ten men were employed. Waitangi Mine. —The principal work carried on during the year has been the extension of the low-level tunnel for the purpose of intersecting and prospecting the Waitangi main reef at a depth of 130 ft. below the No. 2 level (100 ft.). This reef has been cut through at two points 100 ft. apart, and varies in width from 25 ft. to 35 ft. The hanging-wall portion has been driven upon east of the