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EEPOET. Reed, M.lnst.M.E., Lie Surveyor, Inspecting Engineer of Mines, to the Hon. James McGowan, Minister of Mines. Sir, — Mines Department, Wellington, 24th April, 1908. I have the honour to submit the annual reports of inspection, together with those of Wardens and other officers, accompanied by statistical information in ngard to the goldfieldsjand metalliferous minis of the Dominion, for the year ended the # 31st December, 1907. In accordance with ,the usual practice, the tables showing expenditure through the Mines Department on roads, bridges, tracks, prospecting operations, &c, are for the period covered by the financial year—viz., from the Ist April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908. The reports, &c, are divided into the following sections : — I. Production of Minerals. 11. Persons employed. 111. Accidents. IV. Gold-mining— (1.) Quartz. (2.) Dredging. (3.) Alluvial. V. Minerals other than Gold. VT. State Aid to Mining. VII. Schools of Mines. Appendices.—Reports of — (a.) Inspectors of Minis. (6.) Wardens. (c.) Directors of Schools of Mines. (d.) Water-race Managers. (c.) Improvements in Mining and Metallurgical Processes. (/.) Mining Statistics. (g.) Examinations under " The Mining Act, 1905," and Holders of Certificates.


The appended statement shows the value of the outputs from the various metalliferous mines and gumfields in New Zealand from the Ist January, 1853, to the 31st December, 1907 :—

1-C, 3.

Classification. 1906. 1907. Increase or Decrease. Total from the 1st January, 1853, to the 31st Decern her, 1907. Jold silver £ 2,270,904 143,572 £ 2,027,490 169,484 595 £ 243,414+ 25,912* 595* £ 71,528,978 1,090,751 18,823 38,002 61,857 54,716 444 189,300 14,022,905 Copper-ore ... Chrome-ore ... Hanganese-ore Antimony-ore Haematite ore vlixed minerals \auri-gum 40 26 2,118 5 30,448 579,888 14t 2,118* 5* 12,027* 57,402* 18,421 522,486 Totals . 2,955,423 2,810,054 145,369+ 87,008,776 * Increase. t Decrease.