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Owing to the very dry season, the trees lined out have not made very much growth, but the seedlings have done exceedingly well. The species grown in this district are very few in number, consequent on the extreme climatic conditions pievailing, and, although a very large variety of i ices has l>eeii experimented with, those entirely suitable for the locality are the species enumerated on schedules attached. The number of trees lined out was 431,700, at an average cost of 2s. lOfd. per thousand. The number of trees sent to nurseries and Government plantations was 279,125, their total value being £872 #s. tid. The number of trees sent out to date amounts to 1,301,687, their total value being £.i,862 os. 11.1. The Dumber of trees in the nursery at the -'fist .March was 1,105,640, and their value £1,757 ."is. -id. The details of above will be found on Schedules 1 to 4. During the year all buildings have been painted, and all tools, implements, Ac, have been kept in good repair. Another foal has been reared during the year, and it is valued at £10. The average number of hands employed was 564.

The following is a record of the rainfall and temperature for the year : —

Statement of Expenditure. i, s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1907 ... ... ... ... 8,717 5 5 Tree-growing ... ... ... ... ... ... 364 11 4 General maintenance and repairs ... ... ... ... 242 7 0 Nursery-formation ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 17 6 Horse-feed, purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 30 6 9 Tree-seeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 4 2 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... .. ... ... 410 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 2 18 2 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 11 0 Fuel and freight ... ... ... ... ... ... 919 3 £9,538 1 7 Values of Stock. £ ad. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at the 31st March, 1907 ... ... 6,300 19 4 Less value of trees ... ... 1,832 17 3 horse-feed ... 15 0 0 1,847 17 3 4,453 2 1 Trees, as per Schedule 1 ... ... ... ... ... 555 2 6 2 409 19 6 3 ... ... ... ... ... 782 3 4 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 4 10 Nursery-formation .. ... ... ... ... ... 87 17 6 Horse-feed in stock ... ... ... ... ... 9 10 0 Increased value of foal ... ... ... ... ... 500 Value of foal ... ■ ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Improved value ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 7 0 £6,540 2 11

Month. Rainfall. Number of Days Rain fell. Maximum Temperature. . Date. Minimum Temperature. Date. Number of Days on which Frost occurred. I 1907. April ... May ... June ... July ... August September October November December 1908. January February March InobeB. ... 0-53 ... 1-03 ... 0-29 ... 0-33 ... I 0-97 ... I 0-96 ... 0-86 L-89 ... 2-76 ... I 0-53 ... 1-55 ... 2-23 8 12 7 6 11 10 9 5 8 Degrees. 73 67 55 61 54 69 79 81 88 7th 1st 29th 2nd 30th 24th 30th 5th 29th D- grees. 21 16 16 15 15 19 25 29 37 29th 19th 25th 29th 5th 16th 5th 2nd 3rd 7 21 27 26 25 18 14 3 4 7 13 96 86 76 17th 15th 13th 32 30 31 17th 1st 15th 1 1 2 Totals ... 13-93 fl. r ) 145