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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives bij Leave.

[Extract from Sen- Zealand Gazette, 7th January, 1907.J

Order in Council under " The New Zealand aud South African Customs Duties Reciprocity Act, 1906." PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Goven ment House, at Wellingttn, this seventh day of January, 1907. Present: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL. IN exercise of the powers conferred by "The New Zealand and South African Customs Duties Reciprocity Act, 1906," and in order to give full effect to the reciprocal Customs treaty made b"tween New Zealand and the Soutn African colonies and territories following — that is to say, the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, the Colony of Natal, the Orange River Colony, the Transvaal, and Southern Rhodesia —His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Exeoutive Council of that colony, doth hereby declare that, on and after the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seven, the goodß speoified in the Schedule hereto, being the produce or manufacture of the aforesaid South African colonies or territories sball, on importation from thoso colonies or territories into New Zealand, be chargeable with the duties and be entitle! to the exemptions as specified in that Schedule, and the existing New Zealand tariff is hereby altered accordingly, in so far, but so far only, as is necessary for the purpose of giving effect to this Order in Council. SCHEDULE. Feathers .. .. 15 per cent, ad ritloient. Fish .. .. .. ljd. per lb. Fruits, dried .. .. Free. Fruits, green .. .. Free. Maize.. .. .. 6d. ppr cental. Sugar .. .. .. Is. Bd. per cental. Tobacco (manufactured) 2s. 6d. prr lb, Tea (riot otherwise exempt) Id. peril). Wines (other than spark- 2s. per gallon. ling) Wines (sparkling) .. ss. per gnlk n. All other goods (except 25 per cent less than the j spiriti-) duty which would otherwise be payable. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council. Notification of Reciprocal Customs Treaty between Nevi Zealand and South Africa. Department of Trade and Customs, Wellington, 7th January, 1907. PURSUANT to section two of "The New Zealand and South African Customs Duties Reciprocity Act, 1906," His Excellenoy the Governor hereby notifies for public information that a reciprocal Customs treaty has been i arranged between New Zealand and the following South

African colonies and territories—viz., the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, the Colony of Natal, the Orange River Colony, the Transvaal, and Southern Rhodesia —under which the goods named in the First Schedule hereto, being the produce or manufacture of New Zealand, will be admitted into the South African colonies and territories named on payment of the duties as specified therein, and the goods named I in the Second Schedule hereto, being the produce or manuJ facture of the South African colonies and lerritories named, i will be admitted into New Zealand on payment of the duties and with the benefit of the exemptions as specified therein. It is further agreed that if a fiscal difference is made by either of the contracting parlies between locally manufactured spirits and imported spirits, the manufactured spirits of the other contracting party shall be admitted at the same rate of duty as is payable on the locally manufactured spirits. The treaty takes effect on and from the first day of Janui ary, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and (pursuant jto section 4 of the aforeE&id Act) will continue in operation I until the olose of the twenty-first day after the commenceI ment of the next cession of the New Zealand Parliament. FIRST SCHEDULE. i Goods the produce or manufacture of New Zealand, im- ! ported from New Zealand into the South African colonies and territories named, and the duties chargeable thereon :— Bran .. .. .. Is. per cental. Flour .. .. .. '2s. 3d. per cental. Oats .. .. Is. lOd. per cental. Wheat . .. .. Is. per cental. Butter .. .. .. 2d. per lb. Cheese .. .. 12 per cent, ad valorem. Meats .. .. ..Id. per lb. All other goods (except 25 per cent, less than the spirits) duty which would otherwise be payable. SECOND SCHEDULE. Goods the produce or manufacture of the South African colonies and territories named, imported from these colo- | nies or territories into New Zealand, and the duties [ chargeable thereon: — Feathers .. 15 per cent, ad valorem. Fish .. .. 1* per lb. Fruits, dried .. .. Free. Fruits, green .. .. Free. Mai/ •.. .. .. 6d. per cental. Sugar .. .. .. Is. Bd. per cental. Tobacco (manufactured) .. 2s. 6i. per lb. Tea (not otherwise exempt) Id. per lb. Wines (oilier than sparkling) if. per gallon. Wines (sparkling) .. ss. per gallon. All other goods (except 25 per cent, less than the spirits) duly which w. uld otherwise be payable. J. A. MILLAR, Minister of Customs.