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190 , subject to the reguhitions for the time being in force in respect of diring and fishing for pearl-shell within the said Penrhyn Island Lagoon Reserve. Dated this day of , 190 . , Resident Agent. Fee, £ [Approved by the Governor, 9th January, 1907.]

No. 34. Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 9th January, 1907. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th December last, forwarding for the approval of His Excellency the Governor regulations for public pearl-shell fishing ut the Islands of Manihiki and Penrhyn. I now return the regulations with His Excellency's approval noted thereon. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotenga. James McGowan.

CONTINGENT EXPENDITURE—HIGH COURT, LAND TITLES COURT, AND WHARE MANUHIRI. No. 35. Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 2nd August, 1906. Referring to the financial returns forwarded with your report for the year 1905-6, I should like you to supplement the particulars supplied by furnishing a statement showing details of the amounts of £53 14s. lid. and £260 3s. 6d., shown as High Court contingent expenditure and Land Titles Court contingent expenditure respectively. Please also let me have a statement showing the reoeipta and expenditure for the year in connection with the whare manuhiri. It is desirable that 1 should have full particulars regarding all these items, and I should be glad if in the staU'imiiis for future years you will have the detail? furnished. The returni showing the exporti Erom each island during the year will prove very useful, and I shall be glad if you will have this also repeated in future reports. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

No. 36. Sir,— Rarotonga, 16th August, 1906. In pursuance of your instructions contained in your telegram of the 6th August, I have the honour to forward, for your information, the details of contingent expenditure for 1905-6, as follows: (1) Whare manuhiri; (2) High Court and Land Titles Court: (3) general contingencies. I am under the impression that the last-named has already been forwarded to you. I have, Ac, W. E. Gudgeon, The Hon. the Minister administering Islands. Resident Commissioner.

Enclosure. Cook and other Islands Administration. Return showing Revenue and Expenditure, Whare Manuhiri, from Ist September, 1905, to 31st March, 1906. Revenue. £ «. d. Kxpenditure. £ s. d. Receipts, per patrons .. .. .. 240 10 1 Salary, manager .. . . .. 01 f> 10 Government subsidy .. .. .. 44 13 9 Wages, servant! . . .. .. 46 5 8 Stores .. .. .. .. .. 177 12 4 £285 3 10 £285 3 10 Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Kith August, 1906. W. J. Stevenson, Treasurer.

Cook and other Islands Administration. BeUiih of Item 5, Contingent Expenditure, High Court, 1905-6. £ « d. Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 9 14 0 Salary, bailiff ... .. ... .. ... ... ... 500 ~ constable ... ... ... ... ... ... 400 Bonus to bailiff ... ... .. .. ... ... ... . 11 0 0 Interpreters' fees ... ... 2 10 Passage of prisoner ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 0 10 0 Food for prisoners ... .. ... .. ... ... ... 20 911 Refund Teaonga, damages awarded, but paid in as revenue in error ... ... 10,0 £53 14 11