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sacks held 200 lb. the gang could discharge five more trucks of from 30 to 40 tons a day. The men cannot handle the shorter sacks so quickly as the longer ones, and he believes that a sack measuring 46 in. by 24 in. would be the most suitable size. It would stack well, and could be handled quicker. It could be fitted to the old baggers, being nearly the same length, but could not be used for baggers if made shorter. Mr. W. Foster, storeman for Kaye and Carter's shed, says that from fifty to sixty thousand sacks represent a good season for grain stored in the shed. They have an elevator in use. He is of opinion that a sack measuring 46 in. by 24 in., and containing 200 lb. of wheat, would be easier to stack and more quickly handled than the ordinary sack. He experimented one day by sewing some sacks to these dimensions, and found them as easy to handle as oat-bags, and just as easy to stack as the present sack. He hopes that if the size of the sack is to be altered it will not be made shorter, and believes that if the weight be reduced the men will be able to handle an additional 30 tons in a day of eight hours. Mr. K. Treleaven, storeman at the Lyttelton Harbour Board Shed No. 5, says that during an average grain season from sixty to seventy thousand sacks are carried into his shed. The machine employed there is the whip-lift. A gang can carry on an average about twenty-two wagon-loads in a day of eight hours; and he believes that if the weight in the sacks were reduced they could discharge another four or five trucks. If the size of the sack is altered he would sooner see a narrower sack than the present one, but of the same length; or 46 in by. 24 in. would make a good all-round sack. He has carried sacks for nearly fortj' years, and says that 2401b. is far too heavy for any man. He has had many men working under him who have left after a season's grain-carrying to find lighter work elsewhere, owing to having strained themselves by the carrying of Sieavy sacks. Mr. J. Foster, storeman of the Loan and Mercantile sheds, says that during a fair grain season from thirty to forty thousand sacks are stored in his shed, They have an elevator, but a certain amount of carrying has to be done before in can be used. He is of opiniou that if the weight of the sacks did not exceed 200 lb. he could get more work out.of the men than he is able to do now with the sacks at 2401b. He believes, too, that if the sacks were made narrower they would be much easier to handle than shorter sacks. Mr. G. Porteous, storeman of the Harbour Board Shed No. 1, says that about twenty thousand sacks are stored in his shed in a season ; and, as no machinery is used, every sack has to be carried, sacks of 240 lb. being far too heavy to carry up planks and ladders. It therefore takes him all his time to get a gang of men to work in that shed. If, however, the weight of the grain-sack were reduced, he says it would be no trouble to him to get men. He is of opinion that a sack measuring 46 in. by 24 in. would be a most suitable size, as it would carry well and stack easily, and would entail less labour. Mr. J. Pearse, sampler and carrier for forty years, says that sacks containing 240 lb. will ruin the strongest men in a very short time. Mr. Menzies, sampler for Stead and Co. for thirty-five years, says that sacks containing 240 lb. are far too heavy to be carried by hand, and believes that a narrow sack, containing 2001b., would be more convenient to handle than the present sack. Mr. Gill, wharfinger, Union Steamship Company, states that a ship's carrying-gang could carry four trucks an hour, and if the weight of the sack were reduced they could discharge five or more trucks an hour, or 50 tons more in eight hours. He considers that another advantage of using the lighter sacks would be that, as they would give ,more freely than the heavier ones, they would get torn less by the men's hooks. He is of opinion that a narrower sack would be more convenient to handle than a shorter one. The following is a list of men injured while carrying heavy grain-sacks: — Name. Injury. John G. T. Wood ... ... Varicose veins. Fred Heme ... ... ... Varicose veins. David Devon ... ... ... Physical wreck; body strained all over. Carried at Wood Bros' mills for ten years, and carried there last. Is unable to do any work now, being crippled up. George Gower .. ... ... Strained heart. Ordered by doctor to leave off carrying, and find lighter work. Charles Fitzsimmons ... ... Now in mental hospital from effects of grain-carrying, but partly from abuse of drink. (See remarks.) George Butherford (myself) ... Ruptured when carrying grain up a ladder in the Loan Company's shed. John Wilson .... ... ... Strained nervous system; cannot follow former occupation of printing-machinist. Stephen Norris ... ... Eicked his back, and was laid up for three months. Thomas Hunter ... ... Aneurism of the heart. Formed one of deputation which waited on Christchurch Medical Association in 1899, and was examined by them. Is unable now to carry, or do any hard work. Says it would frighten you to see his heart beating from the breast. (See remarks.) Joseph Williams ... ... Strained the muscles or leaders of his neck, and got insomnia. Went to Sunnyside Asylum, and died there. John Young ... ... ... Is also said to have died in-the asylum from the same cause as the last-named. After a heavy day's carrying he did not know how to rest his head, and could not sleep. George Moor ... ... ... Affected in same way as previous two, and died in the asylum. John Norton ... ... ... Strained his heart, and could do no more heavy work, and died some years after. Frank Lawrence ... ... Strained his heart, and died a few years after. Frank Walklin, J. Juriss, J. Hardy, Also died from strained hearts. 'E. Kelly, J. Gower W. Boeder ... ... ... Went blind, and afterwards died. (See remarks below.) Denny Kelly ... ... ... Died of aneurism of the heart. (See remarks.)