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Telegram. To Reeves London. 13th June, 1906. Just heard Seduon. Extremely grieved. Atack. (Extract.) Dear Sir, — No. 61 Gloucester Crescent, Regent's Park, N.W., 14th June, 1906. Allow me to express, on behalf of my wife and family and self, our heartfelt regret at the death of the Premier of New Zealand, our great statesman and friend to all New-Zealanders. With kindest regards, yours truly, Allan D. Maodonald. Sir > — Hardy's Mines (Limited),, 8 Pinch Lane, E.C., 14th June, 1906. I beg most respectfully and earnestly to express my deep regret at your great loss through the death of Mr. Seddon. Yours respectfully, C. J. HUTCHINSON. To the Secretary, the Agent-General for New Zealand, London. National Flint Glass Makers' Society, 65 Dibdale Street, Himley Road, Dear Mn. Reeves, — Dudley, 14th June, 1906. I am instructed by the members of the Dudley Branch of the above society to express our keen sense of the loss the colony lias sustained by the death of its able leader, Mr. Seddon. And we ask you, as the representative of the above patriotic colony, to accept our most sincere sympathy and condolence for the family that are left to bear the great loss of a so-devoted son of this great Empire, and we also extend that sincere sympathy to the whole of the subjects of New Zealand. Believe me, &c, W. Bradford, Sec. Mr. Pember Reeves, High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. Sir, — 2 London Wall Buildings, E.C., 15th June, 1906. On behalf of Rhodesia and the British South Africa Company, I am directed by the board to ask you to be so good as to convey to your Government an expression of the deepest regret and sympathy at the death of your distinguished Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Richard John Seddon, in whom New Zealand and the Empire have lost a devoted servant. I am, &c, D. E. Brodie, Secretary. The Hon. W. P. Reeves, High Commissioner, New Zealand Government Offices, 13 Victoria Street, S.W. Dear Sir,— 16 Great George Street, Westminster, S.W., 15th June, 1906. At a special board meeting of this company held here yesterday, a resolution of condolence was passed with Mrs. Seddon. and a cable sent to our manager in Auckland, asking him to transmit it to her, and I now beg to convey to you, on behalf of myself and colleagues, our very sincere sympathy at the death of the late Premier, whose loss is one which is felt not only in New Zealand, but throughout the Empire. Believe me, &c, The Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited), (Sidney T. Batley, Secretary). The High Commissioner for New Zealand, 13 Victoria Street, S.W. The Equitable Life Assurance Society, 3 Royal Exchange Buildings, Dear Sir, — London, E.C., 16th June, 1906. I desire to express my deep regret at the death of the Right Hon. Mr. Seddon, and to tender my sympathy to the members of his family. The Colony of New Zealand will lose one of its ablest public men and a great Imperialist. I knew the late Mr. Seddon for many years, and always found him a kind-hearted and warm friend, and I very much deplore his death. I am, yours sincerely, Hon. W. P. Reeves, London. S. W. D'Arcy Irvine. (Extract.) Dear Sir, — Cranston's Kehilworth Hotel, Great Russell Street, W.C., 16th June, 1906. The death of Mr. Seddon was a very big shock to all N.-Zealanders. My wife felt it very much, as she was born in Hokitika, and knew Mr. Seddon and family personally. Yours faithfully, Frank Hodgson.