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Counties. As regards the counties little need be said. In the Hutt County most of the places which offered sanitary problems have become independent authorities. At Upper Hutt, however, the repeated outbreaks of diphtheria indicate a need for better sanitation. Shallow wells and cesspits in close proximity is the probable cause of much of this disease. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. I have been able to pay but one visit to this district, which I did in consequence of the outbreak of typhoid, due to polluted oysters, which has already been mentioned. A good deal of work has been done in connection with the hotels. At Blenheim the need for a drainage system is evident from the difficulty in the way of proper disposal of slop-waters. At Picton a move is being made in this direction, and plans have been drawn up by Mr. Leslie Reynolds and approved. These provide for a temporary septic-tank treatment without filtrationbeds, the outfall into the harbour being unlikely to be productive of trouble for many years to come. The appointment of Dr. Redman as Acting.District Health Officer was made during the year. Mr. Johnston, our Sanitary Inspector, has done much good work. NELSON/DISTRICT. My time has been too fully occupied elsewhere to enable me to pay a visit to this district. Work on the drainage system has been begun, and the septic tank is nearing completion. So far no agreement with the Borough Council has been reached as regards sanitary inspection. I append a short report by Dr. Bett, Acting District Health Officer, which shows that diphtheria is somewhat too prevalent. R. H. Makgill, M.D., D.P.H., District Health Officer. Department of Public Health, Nelson, Ist April, 1907. Dueing the year ended the 31st March, 1907, there has not been much infectious disease in Nelson and surrounding districts, only 52 cases having been notified. The total was made up as follows: 28 diphtheria, 6 enteric fever, 1 measles, 1 puerperal fever, 1 scarlatina, 8 tuberculosis. The great majority of these occurred in the country districts, only 14 being notified as residing in Nelson. Of these, 4 were diphtheria, 4 enteric fever, 1 scarlatina, and 5 tuberculosis. It is greatly to be regretted that no appointment of a Sanitary Inspector has been made so far. It is possible in the town to exercise supervision of infectious cases, but in the country districts little can be done at present in the way of inspection of infected houses and districts. It is urged that steps should be taken at an earty date to remedy this defect. The new drainage scheme of the City of Nelson is being carried out, the septic tank having almost been completed, but the system of reticulation has not yet been commenced. F. A. Bett, Acting District Health Officer, Nelson District. CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Department of Public Health, Christ church, 13th May, 1907. Dr. Mason, Chief Health Officer, Wellington. J have the honour to submit to you the annual report of the Canterbury Health District for the year ending the 31st March, 1807. INFECTIOUS DISEASE. In Table No. 1 every case notified in every house has been counted; in the other tables only one case has been counted to one house when two or more have been notified from the same house.