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LABORATORY-WORK. The following is a summary of the record of specimens submitted to this office for bacteriological or other examination:—

OFFICE-WORK. The daily routine of the office, including as it does the reception and despatch of correspondence—l,s36 letters upon various subjects having been sent out —the keeping of records, and the hearing and recording of multitudinous inquiries and complaints, has further involved the following: — 135 orders for admission of persons to the hospital for infectious diseases. 51 applications for admission to Cambridge Sanatorium were dealt with. 504 notices in regard to cases of infectious disease have been sent to local authorities. 712 tubes of vaccine lymph have been distributed to medical practitioners and Public Vaccinators. Mr. Symons, senior District Clerk, has not spared himself in endeavouring to overcome this large amount of office-work. Ultimately, as encroachments were being made on his after-office hours, I asked for additional aid. Mr. Boylan is now junior clerk, and has done very satisfactory work. Mr. Symons will, I trust, be now better able to devote some of his attention to the special work upon which he has already been encouraged to enter by 1113' predecessor and myself, and for which he is so ably suited. As in former reports, Mr. Symons has compiled the statistical figures in this, for which I record my thanks INSPECTORIAL STAFF. Inspector Middleton, on being transferred to this district, was placed at Hamilton, with supervision over the Waikato generally. I highly appreciate the work done by this able officer, who, as a Sanitary Inspector, probably holds the highest qualifications in the colony. Inspector Winstanley has been engaged mainly in country district work outside the Waikato. Excellent work has been done by Inspector Grieve. He especially shows a forte in the inspection of foodstuffs, and is only hampered in his good efforts by the want of up-to-date legislation in this regard. Jos. P. Frengley, M.D., F.E.C.5.1., D.P.H., District Health Officer. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Sin, —- Department of Public Health, District Office, Napier, Ist April, 1907. I have the honour to lay before you the sixth annual report of the Hawke's Bay Health District. I am pleased to be able to report that there has been a steady advance in sanitary matters in this district almost " all along the line," and matters are shaping in several centres in such a manner that I am justified in the hope that next year I shall be able to report an equal and perhape a more satisfactory advance.

X umber of Specimens. \ Specimens. Suspected Condition. ] ltesult of Examination, or Disposal. 3-"> 7 7 17 1 1 9 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Sputum Urine Throat swabs Sputum Tubercular General abnormality Pus Tubercular Diphtheritic Pneumonic bacilli .. Tubercular Plague Gonorrhceal Mucous colitis Tubercular Free HOI. Hydrocele Positive. Negative. . , General report-Pus-cells negative. Negative. Positive. Negative. Pneumonia diagnosed. Negative. ..! >.< >.i Spermatozoa ; probably ez-testicle with retention cysts. Negative. »» • • Bubo-juice .. Pus-smear Fseoes Pleuritio fluid Vomit Fluid 1 1 Serous exudation Pus Smear Breast Mass from sc.Jp Mass from uterus Actinomycosis Gonorrhoeal Malignancy General Epithelioma General .. I I Sent to Bacteriologist, Wellington. Water Sent to Colonial Analyst. ., 163