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Expectation of Life in New Zealand.

ORPHANHOOD OP CHILDBEN. New Zealand statistics give detailed information on this subject, which appears to be unique In a paper read by Mr. H. W. Manly, actuary of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, on the 27th April, 1903, before the Institute of Actuaries at London, under the heading "Children's Benefits," he stated that in order to ascertain the ages and the number of children left by a married man at his death he had to go to the same source as Mr. King did when he constructed his table of " Family Annuities"—viz., the "Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand." And, further, after announcing his intention of making very considerable use of the information, he gave the tables, ■grouping five ages together. ("Journal of the Institute of Actuaries," October, 1903.) Although the subject is not one of general interest, it may be excusable to draw attention here to the tables published for the year 1906 and the experience of the quinquennial period as shown in the " Statistics of New Zealand." The first table shows, for the year 1906, the total number of men who died at each year of age from twenty upwards; the number of married men stated in the registers as having died (a) childless, (b) leaving children ; and the number and ages of the children living at the time of the father's death. The next is a similar table, but giving five years' results for all ages of the fathers. A condensation of the table is shown.

New Zealand, 1902 to 1906.

A table has also been prepared showing, for the year 1906, a ratio of the deaths in each eiass to the 1,000 births during the year

Age. Average Duration of Life: Years. Age. Average Duration of Life : Years. Male. Female. Age. Average Duration of Life : Years. Male. Female. Male. Female. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 54-444 59-102 59-169 58-626 57-924 57-167 56-396 55-606 54-791 53-956 53 094 52-212 51-315 50-425 49-539 48-663 47-803 46-960 46-139 45-336 44-551 43-775 43-005 42-235 41-463 40-684 39-899 39-108 38-319 37-526 36-736 35-949 35-165 34-384 33-605 57-260 61-214 61-220 60-647 59-934 59-148 58-343 57-520 56-680 55-825 54-953 54-069 53-180 52-294 51-415 50-515 49-690 48-847 48-016 47-198 46-393 45-593 44-803 44-021 43-244 42-474 41-708 40-946 40-187 39-431 38-678 37-928 37-181 36-438 35-695 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 32-829 32-054 31-282 30-511 29-744 28-979 28-220 27-465 26-715 25-971 25-231 24-499 23-773 23055 22-344 21-636 20-932 20-231 19-530 18-836 18-150 17-478 16-822 16-183 15-560 14-949 14-348 13-754 13-170 12-600 12-046 11-512 10-994 10-486 9-981 34-954 34-215 33-475 32-734 31-990 31-243 30-493 29739 28-981 28-221 27-458 26-694 25-927 25163 24-399 23-640 22-885 22-135 21-392 20-655 19-926 19-202 18-485 17-776 17-077 16-386 15-705 15-037 14-386 13-752 13-135 12-534 11-954 11-365 10-792 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 9-481 8-988 8-504 8-035 7-586 7-160 6-758 6-379 6022 5-683 . 5-362 5-055 4-765 4-489 4-229 3-982 3-747 3-525 3-313 3110 2-914 2-723 2-525 2-323 2-101 1-843 1-553 1-247 0-960 0-677 0-500 10-227 9-673 9-130 8-604 8-095 7-614 7-164 6-742 6-349 5-982 5-636 5-312 5 005 4-714 4-439 4-180 3-935 3-705 3-487 3-283 3-089 2 905 2-731 2-564 2-400 2-238 2-082 1-931 1-774 1-600 1-424 1-195 0-889 0-500

Ages of Married Men at Death. Number of I who Carried Men lied Number and Ages of Living Issue. Childless. Leaviug Children. nder 5. 6 to 10. 10 to 15. 16 to 21. 21and J N . 0 ' over, specified. Totals. 20 to 30 30 „ 40 40 „ 50 50 „ 60 60 „ 65 65 and upwards 84 164 158 193 128 666 164 653 943 1,417 1,034 4,563 256 728 596 238 45 59 38 681 953 696 149 182 1 293 1,036 1,056 • 366 501 45 ... 910 288 1,891 3,271 948 4,187 1,386 !21,271 13 80 184 409 236 1,247 308 1,827 3,997 7,461 5,931 24,643