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Comparative Death-rate for the Period 1896 to 1906.

In this statement New Zealand is conspicuous as showing the lowest death-rate. The rates for the principal Australian States are a little higher, but, generally speaking, far below those for the United Kingdom or the European Continental States mentioned in the table. Perfect accuracy in comparing one country or colony with another can only be attained by the use of what is termed an " index of mortality." The proportions of the living vary in regard to the different age-groups, and the ordinary death-rate—which is calculated on the population as a whole—does not afford a true means of judging of the relative healthiness of the places compared. But by taking a population like that of Sweden, and applying the percentage at each age-group to the death-rates, a standard of health or index of mortality can be arrived at. This has been done for New Zealand, in accordance with a resolution of the Statistical Conference held at Hobart in 1902, and the result is expressed in tabular form.

Index of Mortality in New Zealand for 1906.

A similar calciilation for the States of the Australian Commonwealth has been made for 1904. The results, when compared with the actual rates, exhibit to what degree the age-constitution of the population affects the death-rate. The figures for New Zealand are also given. Year 1904. Index. Actual. Queensland... ... ... ... ... ... 1323 10 01 New South Wales ... ... ... ... ... 1410 10-62 Victoria ... ... ... ... ... ... 1429 11-92 South Australia ... ... ... ... ... 13-32 10-22 Western Australia ... ... ... ... ... 15-60 1191 Tasmania ... ... ... ... ... ... 1436 11-01 New Zealand ... ... ... 1204 9-57 (1905) ... . 11.85 9-27 Deaths and Death-rates of the Four Principal Cities and their Suburbs. In the earlier annual reports on the vital statistics of the four chief towns the central boroughs alone were dealt with, particulars respecting the suburbs not having been obtained. But this omission was held to be a grave defect, as the suburban death-rate may differ much from the

iii—H. 31.

Country. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906 New Zealand Queensland New South Wales Victoria South Australia* Western Australia Tasmania England and Wales Scotland Ireland Denmark Norway Sweden Austria Hungary Switzerland German Empire ... Netherlands 9-10 12-10 12-30 13-35 11-48 16-45 11-63 17-0 16-6 16-6 15-6 15-2 15-6 26-4 28-9 17-7 20-8 17-2 20-0 24-0 9-14 11-33 10-88 12-90 n-24i 16-97 11-53 17-4 18-4 18-4 16-5 15-3 15-4 25-6 28-5 17-6 21-3" 16-9 19-5 21-9 9-84 12-66 12-48 15-94 1306 16.05 13-51 17-5 18-0 18-1 15-5 15-3 151 24-9 28-0 18-2 20-5 17-0 20-9 22-9 10-241 12-071 11-82| 14-28! 12-14 13-76 12-25 18-2 18-1 176 17-3 16-9 17-7 25-4 27-2 17-6 21-5 17-1 211 21-8 9-43 11-73 11-16 12-75 1064 12-92 11-05 18-2 18-5 19-6 16-9 15-9 16-8 25-2 26-9 19-3 221 17-8 21-9 23-8 981 11-88 11-68 13-22 11-11 13-36 10-45 16-9 18-0 17-8 15-8 14-9 160 24-2 25-4 180 20-7 17-2 201 21-9 10-50 12-08 11-95 13-40; 11-79 13-63 10-84 16-2 17-2 17-5 14-6 13-9 15-4 24-7 ! 27-0 17-2 I 19-4 I 16-3 19-5 22-1 10-40 12-38 11-59 12-90 10-71. 12-601 11-92 15-4 16-6 17-5 14-6 14-8 151 23-8 261 17-6 ! 20 0 15-6 19-2 22-2 9-57 10-11 10-62 11-92 10-22 11-91 11-01 16-2 16-9 18-0 141 14-3 15-3 23-7 24-8 17-8 19-6 15-9 19-4 20-9 9-27 10-47 10-13 12-10 1014 10-83 10-23 15-2 159 17-1 150 14-8 15-6 9-31 9-56 9-89 12-42 10-34 11-87 11-13 27-8 17-9 France Italy 15-3 196 21-7 ' Excluding the Northern Territory.

Ages. Estimated Mean Population, 1906. Number of Deaths, 1906. Deathrate per 1,000, 1906. Percentage of Index of Population Mortality in of Sweden, 1890 New Zealand (Standard). per 1,000. Under 1 year 1 and under 20 years ... 20 and under 40 years 40 and under 60 years 60 years and upwards... 22,479 329,400 338,624 141,862 63,229 1,506 886 1,329 1,435 3,183 66-99 2-68 ' 3-92 1011 50-34 2-55 39-80 26-96 19-23 11-46 1-71 107 1-06 1-94 5-77 Totals 895,594 8,339 9-31 10000 1155