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Plunket, Governor. In pursuance and exercise of every power and authority enabling me in this behalf, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby empower Alexander McArthur, Harold Sewallis Blackburne, and Walter George Foster, the Commissioners named in the within-written Commission, or in the absence of any one of them, then such two of the said Commissioners as may be present, anything in the aforesaid Commission notwithstanding, to conduct and continue the inquiry therein provided for at Wellington, or at any other place in the said colony they may think necessary, and in all other respects do hereby revive and confirm the within-written Commission, and extend the time within which report may be made under the same as hereby amended, revived, and confirmed to the thirtieth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and six. In Executive Council. Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council. 22nd October, 1906.

Plunket, Governor. In pursuance and exercise of every power and authority enabling me in this behalf, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby empower Alexander McArthur, Harold Sewallis Blackburne, and Walter George Foster, the Commissioners named in the within-written Commission, or in the absence of any one of them, then such two of the said Commissioners as may be present, anything in the aforesaid Commission notwithstanding, to conduct and continue the inquiry therein provided for at Wellington, or at any other place in the said colony they may think necessary, and in all other respects do hereby revive and confirm the within-written Commission, and extend the time within which report may be made under the same as hereby amended, revived, and confirmed to the thirty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and six. In Executive Council. Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council. 3rd December, 1906.

Plunket, Governor. In pursuance and exercise of every power and authority enabling me in this behalf, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby empower Alexander McArthur, Harold Sewallis Blackburne, and Walter George Foster, the Commissioners named in the within-written Commission, or in the absence of any one of them, then such two of the said Commissioners as may be present, anything in the aforesaid Commission notwithstanding, to conduct and continue the inquiry therein provided for at Wellington, or at any other place in the said colony they may think necessary, and in all other respects do hereby revive and confirm the within-written Commission, and extend the time within which report may be made under the same as hereby amended, revived, and confirmed to the thirty-first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seven. In Executive Council. Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council. 7th January, 1907.
