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Avenue : thence towards the east generally by Gillies Avenue, The Pass, and Great South Road to Market Road ; thence by Market Road to the Auckland-Onehunga Road ; thence by the Auckland-Onehunga Road to Allotment No. 36, of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the said Allotment No. 36 to the road forming its western boundary ; thence by the road forming the western boundaries of Allotmonts Nos. 36, 37, and 38 to Selwyn Place ; thence by Selwyn Place to the north-western corner of Lot No. 3, of Allotment No. 56 of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the said Lot No. 3 to Buckland Road ; and thence by Buckland Road to Mount Albert Road ; thence towards the south generally by Mount Albert Road to the northernmost corner of Allotment No. 87 ; thence again towards the east generally by the said Allotment No. 87 to Richardson Road ; thence by Richardson Road to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 8, of Allotment No. 71 ; thence by Lots Nos. 8 and 9 to New Windsor Road ; thence by New Windsor Road to the northernmost corner of Lot 10 ; thence by the road forming the western boundaries of Lots 10, 11, and 12 of Allotment No. 72 to White Swan Road ; thence by a line across White Swan Road to the north-western corner of Allotment No. 74 ; and thence by the said Allotment No. 74 to Manukau Harbour ; thence towards the south-east by Manukau Harbour ; and towards the west generally by the sea to the place of commencement. Parnbll. This district is bounded towards the north generally by thb Waitemata Harbour and coast-line, from the north-eastern corner of the Auckland East Electoral District to the Tamaki River : thence towards the east generally by the said Tamaki River to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 17 of Section No. 4 of Small Lots near Panmure : thence towards the south generally by the road which forms the southern boundary of Lots Nos. 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 of the said Section No. 4 to the road which forms the northwestern boundary of the last-mentioned lot; thence by the last-mentioned road to its junction with the road which forms the south-western boundary of Lot No. 39 of Section No. 1 of Small Lots near Panmuro ; thence by the last-mentioned road forming the southern boundary of Small Lots Nos. 39 and 40 and Allotments Nos. 31 and 33 of Section No. 12, Parish of Waitemata, to the Great South Road near Penrose Junction ; thence by the Great South Road to the junction of roads at the Harp of Erin Inn : thence towards the southeast by the road leading south-westerly from the Great South Road passing through Allotment No. 7, and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments Nos. 17a, 16, 15, 14a, 14, and through Allotment No. 13, and along the southeastern boundary of the Hospital Reserve (Allotment part of 13) to the junction of roads at the Royal Oak Hotel ; thence towards the west by the Auckland-Onehunga Road, and by the Eden and Auckland East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to Waitemata Harbour, the place of commencement. Manukau. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Eden and Parnell Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the north-western corner of Allotment No. 87 at Mount Albert' Road to the Tamaki River at the southernmost corner of Lot No. 17 of Section No. 4 of the Small Lots near Panmure ; thence by a line due east across the Tamaki River to its eastern shore: thence towards the north-west by the said Tamaki River to the sea at the' East Head : thence towards the north-east by the sea to the mouth of the Wairoa River: thence towards the east by the Wairoa River to Section No. 112, Hunua Parish: thence towards the south-east generally by the said Section No. 112, and the road fronting Sections Nos. 111, 148, 149, 150, 151, 175, 176, and 177, by the last-mentioned section and Sections Nos. 168, 167, 137, 138, 139, and 80, Hunua Parish, to Hay's Creek ; thence by that creek to the north-east corner of Section No. 81, Hunua Parish ; thence by Hunua Parish to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 152, Opaheke Parish ; thence by Sections Nos. 152 and 148, Opaheke Parish, by the road forming the north-western boundary of Sections Nos. 184 and 185, by Sections Nos. 189 and 224, Opaheke Parish, and the northwestern boundary of that section produced to the Great South Road : thence towards the west by that road to Slippery Creek ; thence by that creek and the Hingahia and Pahurehure Creeks to the Manukau Harbour ; thence by Manukau Harbour to the south-western corner of Allotment No. 74 on the eastern boundary of Eden Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; and thence by the said Eden Electoral District to the north-western corner of Allotment No. 87 at Mount Albert Road, the place of commencement: including Ponui Island, VVaiheke Island, Rotoroa Island, Pakatoa Island, Pahiki Island, Rakino Island, Motutapu Island, Rangitoto Island, Motuihi Island, Brown's Island, and adjacent islands.

I Fbanklin. This district is bounded towards the north generally by I the Manukau Harbour and the Manukau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the said Manukau Harbour to the mouth of the Wairoa River; thenco by the pea-coast to the Frith of Thames : thence towards the east by the Frith of Thames to Pukorokoro Creek; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 1 of Block VIII, Wharekawa Survey District; thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of Section No. 1 of Block XI, Piako Survey District; thence by the north-eastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 1 and 2of the said Block XI; thence by the southern boundaryline of the last-named section to the line known as the confiscation boundary-line ; thence by the confiscation boundaryline to the easternmost corner of Section No. 478 a, Taupiri Parish: thence towards the south generally by Sections Nos. 478 a and 478 to the Mangawara Stream ; thence by the Mangawara Stream to Section No. 451, Taupiri Parish, by that section and Run No. 3, Auckland University College Endowment, to the easternmost corner of Section No. 9; thence by the last-mentioned section to the road at its northernmost corner ; thence by the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 23, 22, 4, 3, and 2, Taupiri Parish, and its production to the Waikato River : thence again towards the east by the Waikato River to its confluence with the Waipa River ; thence by the Waipa River to the mouth of Te Pake Stream : thence again towards the south-east by the said Te Pake Stream to the north-western boundary-line of Section No. 64 of the Parish of Waipa ; thence by the said Section No. 64 to a point due south of the easternmost corner of Section No. 62 of the said Parish of Waipa: thence again towards the south-west generally by a line due north to the easternmost corner of the said Section No. 62; thence by Section No. 62 aforesaid and Sections Nos. 55, 74, 73, 71, 72, 33, 56, and 59, all of the said Parish of Waipa, to Te Akau No. 2 Block (6350), in the Whaingaroa Survey District; thence by the said Te Akau No. 2 Block to the Whaingaroa Harbour ; and thence by the Whaingaroa Harbour to the ocean : and thence towards the west by the ocean to the Manukau Harbour, the place of commencement. Thames. This district is bounded towards the north-east and east generally by the sea from Cape Colville to the mouth of the Otahu River : thence towards the south generally by the said Otahu River to a point due east of Trig. Station 89 (Ngapuketurua); thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station 89 ; thence by a right lino to the northern source of the Hikutaia River ; thence by the said Hikutaia River to its confluence with the W T aihou River ; thence by the Waihou River to the north-eastern corner of Manuka Block (5374); thence by Manuka and Tiritiri Blocks to the Piako River; thence by the Piako River to the easternmost corner of Puhanga-te-uru No. 2b Block; thence by the south-eastern boundary of that block to its southernmost corner; thenco by a right line due west to the eastern boundary of the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described: thence towards the west by the said Franklin Electoral District to the Frith of Thames • and thence towards the north and again towards the west by the Frith of Thames and the Hauraki Gulf to Cape Colville, the place of commencement: including the Borough of Thames and Great Mercury, Cuvior, and adjacent islands. Ohinemuri. This district is bounded towards the north by the Thames Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the eastern boundary of the Franklin Electoral District to the mouth of the Otahu River : thence towards the east by the sea to the mouth of the Waihi River : thence towards the southeast by a right line to the summit of Te Aroha Mountain : thence towards the south by a right line running due west to the line known as the confiscation boundary-line : and thence towards the west by the confiscation boundary-line to the eastern boundary of the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described, the place of commencement. Waikato. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the entrance of Whaingaroa Harbour to the easternmost corner of Section No. 478 a, Taupiri Parish: thence towards the east by the line known as the confiscation boundary-line to Trig. Station 50 (Pukemoremore); thence by Section No. 2, Block I, Cambridge Survey District, and the north-western boundary of that section produced to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 1, Block VIII, Hamilton Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 1, 2, 174, and 177, Block VIII aforesaid, to the railway-line; thence by the