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2. RECEIPTS OF JOHN JAMES MEIKLE Department of Justice, Wellington, 15th January, 1907. Re Meikle. SjTR In compliance with the request contained in your letter to Mr. 1). M. Findlay of the 14th instant, I have the honour to forward to you the accompanying certified copies of the following documents, namely: — ■ ,«-/«« 1 Receipt of John James Meikle for the sum of five hundred pounds (£500). 2. Receipt of John James Meikle for the sum of eighty-three pounds and threepence (£B3 Os. 3d.) for law-costs. ... 3. Receipt of John James Meikle for the sum of two hundred and eleven pounds fifteen shillings and tenpence (£2ll 15s. 10d.), expenses of witnesses in Meikle v. Lambert. The sum of £294 16s. Id., referred to in your letter, is made up as follows :— Regina v. Lambert — ' «■ ,> £ "' d ' Expenses of witnesses as per statements marked "A " and "B attached to Meikle's declaration of the 19th November, 1895 .. .. ..21115 10 Law-costs .. .. .. •• •• •• •■ •• 83 ° 3 £294 16 1 I have, &c, F. Waldegrave, Under-Secretary. A. C. Cooper, Esq., Secretary, to Meikle Commission, Supreme Court, Wellington. Receipt for £500. I John James Meikle, do hereby acknowledge to have received from the Colonial Treasurer on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, the sum of five hundred pounds (£500), of which the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds (£250) is now paid to me and the further sum of two hundred and fifty pounds (£250) is about to be paid at my request to George Esther of Dunedin in full satisfaction, release, and discharge of all claims and demands or alleged claims'and demands, which I now have, or at any time heretofore have had, against Her Majesty the Queen or the Government of New Zealand, upon or in respect of the prosecution and conviction ot myself for sheep-stealing, or the prosecution and conviction, at my instance, of one William Lambert for perjury and in respect of any expenses, costs, or charges incurred m or about the said prosecutions, or either of them, and any losses sustained or alleged to be sustained by me thereby. John James Meikle. Witness to signature-J. W. Kelly, M.H.R. IM* December, 1897. Receipt for £83 os. 3d. I have this day received from J. W. Povnton, Stipendiary Magistrate, Invercargill, the sum of eighty-three pounds and threepence (£B3 os. 3d.) in full satisfaction of all claims by me or any person claiming by, under, or through me against the Government of the Colony of New Zealand for law-costs in the cases against William Lambert for perjury in the Magistrate s and Supreme Court. Dated at Invercargill, this 29th day of November, 1895. John James Meikle. 29th November, 1895. Witness to the signature of J. J. Meikle-H. Dixon, S.M. Court, Invercargill. Declaration of J. J. Meikle. . I, John James Meikle, of Wyndham, Southland, Otago, New Zealand, farmer, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, — . t , 1 I was the prosecutor in the case against William Lambert, who was convicted of perjury and sentenced to four years' imprisonment at the last sittings of the Supreme Court at Live cargill, in the TlfeTatement hereto attached, and marked " A,"'contains the names and particulars of certain witnesses who gave evidence against the said William Lambert, either at the said Supreme Court sittings, or on other occasions gave evidence, or were in attendance so to do, when the said case was before the law-courts of the colony. ~ . . , , 3 The said witnesses were by me paid all the expenses of attendance at the said trial and hearings'of the" said case in the Courts of law at other times, and have not now nor has any person on behalf of any of them, any claim whatever against me for expenses for attendance thereat. 4 The witnesses whose names and particulars are given in the statement marked B, hereto attached have authorised me to receive on their behalf ;he amounts payable to them for expenses as witnesses during the said trial, or at other times in connection with the said case 5 No other person save and except those in the said statement « B," described, has now any claim "to receive from me any sum for attendance as a witness at the said trial or when the said case was on other occasions before the law-courts. . And 1 make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." Jqhn Jamjw Meikle , Declared at Invercargill, in the Colony of New Zealand, this 19th day of November, 1905, before me -J. W. Poynton, Justice of the Peace.