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Table J. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1906.

3—H. 20.

Initials of 'risoner. Offence for which punished By whom reported. By whom sentenced. Punishment. AUCKLAND PRI SON. T. L. Obsoene language to the Gaol Surgeon Disobedience of orders and obscene language to an offioer Damaging prison property Disturbing the quiet of the prison Ditto Warder Coulston J. H. Hannan, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. T. L. J. McC. G. A. Warder Foreman Warder Massey P. McGovern, V.J. .. Hon. W. Beehan, V.J. 2 days bread and water. G. A. Warders Munro and Bowling Warder Leech T. L. R. H. Insubordinate conduct, insulting and obscene language Damaging prison property Warder Brien Hon. T. Thompson, V.J. Hon. W. Beehan, V.J. 3 days bread and water. T. L. T. L. T. L. Warder Massey P. G. Clayton, V.J. .. 2 days bread and water. Obscene and abusive language Being in possession of prohibited articles Disturbing the quiet of the prison Damaging prison property Being in possession of prohibited articles Obscene language to fellowprisoner Being in possession of prohibited artioles Ditto .. Insulting and threatening language to an officer Being in possession of prohibited artioles Improper language and disobedience Being in possession of prohibited articles Ditto .. 3 days bread and water. J. P. U. P. McGovern, V.J. .. To forfeit 42 marks. J. P. U. Warder Coulston 2 days bread and water. J. F. U. 0. G. Warder Macdonald .. J. H. Hannan, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water, and to forfeit 12 marks. 3 days bread and water. G. A. Warder W. Stewart .. F. G. Clayton, V.J. .. P. C. Warder Massey P. McGovern, V.J. .. To forfeit 42 marks. J.J. W. F. Warder Bethune Warder Massey 1 day bread and water. N. H. A Warder Wolner N. H. A. Warder Sweet 2 days bread and water. J. M. Warder Leeoh J.J. J. McL J. K. Aoting- Warder Riohards T. H. White, V.J. .. To forfeit 42 marks. 2 days bread and water. B.C. P. C. P. C. L. S. L. S. L, S. J. F. U. J. P. U. J. P. U. J. P. U. J. F. U. Being in possession of prohibited articles Writing a surreptitious letter Threatening language to an officer Obscene language to an officer Disobedience of orders Violently resisting an offioer in the execution of his duty Being in possession of prohibited articles Refusing to work Disobedienoe of orders Insulting language and challenging an officer to fight Insubordinate conduot, obsoene language, and disturbing the quiet of the prison Disturbing the quiet of the prison Obsoene language to an officer Disobedience of orders Smoking in his cell, setting fire to and destroying prison property Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Threatening language to an officer Insubordinate conduct and disobedience Writing a clandestine letterRefusing to do his allotted work Being in possession of prohibited articles Obscene language The Matron Warder R. W. Stewart Warder Oyling Warder Coulston Warder Massey P. McGovern, V.J. .. P. G. Clayton, V J. .. P. MoGovern, V.J. .. Hon. W. Beehan, V.J. To forfeit 42 marks. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. 2 days bread and water. To forfeit 14 marks. J. P. U. T. H. C. H. Warder Munro Warder Johnston P. McGovern, V.J. .. To forfeit 21 marks. 3 days bread and wa'er. P. S. G. A. P. C. PI. Warder Gideon .. Warder W. Stewart .. Warder Oyling F. G. Clayton, V.J. .. E. D. Warder McGill 2 days bread and water. A.W.W. T.J. Warder Jobnston PI. Warder Molloy .. F. McGovern, V.J. F. G. Clayton, V.J. .. 1 day bread and water. T.J. 2 days bread and water. J. McC. Warder Bethune P. McGovern, V.J. ..