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First Offenders' Probation Act. On the Ist January, 1906, there were 5 probationers reporting themselves; 20 were placed on probation during 1906 ; 16 were transferred to other districts. One man who failed to report himself was brought before the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court, Napier, and discharged. A youth on twelve months' probation was convicted, and sentenced to six months' hard labour. Of those reporting at Napier at present all are doing well. The police in this district give every assistance possible in getting information. Michael Flannery, Gaoler and Probation Officer. New Plymouth Prison. H.M. Prison, New Plymouth, 27th January, 1907. I have the honour to present this my first report of the prison at New Plymouth. I took charge of the prison on the 10th September last. There were in custody at the commencement of the year 24 males and no females ; received during the year, 110 males, 3 females; discharged, 100 males, 3 females ; remaining in custody at the end of the year, 34 males. The conduct of the prisoners throughout the year has been good, there being only five punishments, one of which was for escaping from the party working at Western Park. The escapee was speedily recaptured, and sentenced at the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court to seven days hard labour cumulative on his present sentence. The general health of the prisoners has been good. There was one admission to the District Hospital (measles). Every precaution was taken to prevent the disease spreading through the prison, which I am pleased to say was successful. The rations have been good. There have been no complaints. A party of prisoners have been employed at Western Park, where really good work is being done. Marslahd Hill and the grounds round the Supreme Court House have also been kept in order. A new cottage has been built for the principal warder, which should be ready for occupation shortly. The old cottages are mostly in a very dilapidated condition, and they require to be replaced by new ones. The Gaoler's residence has been thoroughly renovated inside, but has still to be painted outside, and a washhouse and w.c. is to be built as soon as the carpenters are through with the more pressing work. I am carrying out the very necessary alterations to the interior of the prison, which I pointed out to you on your last visit here, and which you were pleased to approve of. Since taking charge of the prison I have had 1$ acres of a vegetable garden put under cultivation, and we are now drawing our supply of vegetables for the prison from it. The electric light has also been installed through the prison, and gives a very much better light in the cells than the gas did, and is much appreciated by the prisoners as well as the prison staff. The prison has not as yet been connected with the borough drainage. I understand the Public Works Department have the matter under consideration, and I hope it will be put in hand as soon as possible, as it is urgently needed. The conduct of the officers throughout the year has been excellent. First Offenders' Probation Act. There was 1 first offender on probation at the commencement of the year, and 3 admitted to probation during the year; 2 completed their term of probation satisfactorily; 1 absconded,-and has not since been heard of; leaving 1 carrying out the term of his license satisfactorily. S. G. Millington, Gaoler, Waiqtapu Prison. H.M. Prison, Waiotapu, 22nd January, 1907. I have the honour to report on the working of this prison for the year ended the 31st December 1906. I relieved Principal Warder Scanlon on the 19th March. Doctors' expenses have been heavy. One prisoner was operated on for appendicitis ; another received concussion of the spine through falling out of his bunk; and a third stepped into a boiling pool and severely scalded his leg. All made good recoveries. Four prisoners escaped, were recaptured, and sentenced to additional terms of imprisonment. The officers have carried out their duties in a satisfactory manner. Summary of work done : Area cleared, 695 acres; road formed, 126£ chains (14 ft. wide); pits dug, 2,531,920. Trees planted—P. austriaca, 335,050; P. laricio, 212~,300; P. benthamiana. 13,225; P. lambertiana, 1,250; P. jefferyii, 3,675; Larix europea, 807,800; Bobinia pseudoacacia, 15,300; P. strobus, 21,100; P. ponderosa, 43,850: total, 1,527,525. Blanks replanted— P. austriaca, 42,850; Larix europea, 57,750; P. strobus, 1,800; P. muricata, 12,250: total, 114,560. Total number of trees planted during the year, 1,642,175. Total to date, 4,341,704. Total area planted to date, 1,776 acres; cleared, 2,471 acres. A. W. Roberts, Principal Warder and Acting Gaoler.

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