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3rd Series. —(l2-pr. Q.F.): A very good series, spoilt as regards rate of fire by ranging (auto, sights) with error-of-day screw. The error ~K>i day should have been ascertained previous to series, and not have been altered during the run of target, as this is not a service condition. Series. —(6-pr. Q.F.): Good series spoilt for effect by G.G.C. not being bold enough in his corrections. sth Series. —(6-pr. Q.F.): Very effective series. 6th Series. —(B in. 8.L.): Good series, both for effect and rate of fire. 7th Series. —(6-pr. Q.F.): Very good rate of fire, and excellent effect. Figure of merit, l'os. Bth Series.-—(6-pr. Q.F.): This series was spoilt by a mistake on the part of the setter. 9th Series. —(B in. 8.L.): An excellent series as regards rate of fire, and fair fire-effect. No. 5 Company (Lyttelton). Ist and 2nd Series.- —(6 in. and Bin. 8.L.): Both good series as regards fire discipline, but times slow. Laying for line not good. Effect, fair. 3rd and J/.th Series. —(6-pr. Q.F.): In both series the rate of fire was slow. Laying, not good. Observation, fair. Effect, fair. No. 6 Company (Wellington). Three series (6 in. 8.L.): Total number of rounds fired, 40, of which 37 were hits. The fire discipline and rate of fire was very good. One mistake made by G.G.C, otherwise an excellent practice. No. 7 Company (Lyttelton). Ist Series. —(6-pr. Q.F.): A very poor series, both as regards time and effect. Observation of fire very bad, as only one round fell plus. Mean range, 1,593 yards. G.G.C. requires training in observation of fire. 2nd Series. —(6-pr. Q.F.): This was also a very poor series as regards both time and effect. Laying, very erratic. 3rd Series. —(6 in. and 8 in. 8.L.): Several serious errors in transmitting ranges from D.R.F. to gun-emplacements. Rate of fire, very slow. Effect: 6 in. 8.L., fair; 8 in. 8.L., very poor. Fire discipline, not good. fth Series. —(6 in. and 8 in. 8.L.): Serious errors made in transmitting ranges from D.R.F. to gun-emplacement. Insufficient pressure in H.P. cylinder caused violent recoil, and necessitated stopping the firing to pump in required pressure. Time, slow. Effect: 6 in. 8.L., fair; 8 in. 8.L., nil. Fire discipline, poor. No. 8 Company (Auckland). Three series fired from 8 in. B.L. and one series from 6 pr. Q.F. Ist Series. —(8 in. 8.L.): Observation, good. G.G.C. slow in giving final ranges. Service of gun, good, but slow. 2nd Series. —(8 in. 8.L.): Corrections not well made. G.G.C. slow. Effect, poor. 3rd Series. —(8 in. 8.L.): Corrections insufficiently bold, the target not being bracketed throughout the series. G.G.C. and detachment slow. hih Series. —(Q.F.): Very good series as regards effect and rate of fire. 9 Company (Auckland). Ist Series. —(6 in. 8.L.): Observation, bad. B.C. too slow in giving out his corrections and orders. Corrections when ranging not bold enough. Detachments, slow. 2nd Series. —(Q.F.): Very good series for effect, but rate of fire too slow. .3rd Series. —(8 in. 8.L.): One serious error in giving wrong order, otherwise a good series for fire discipline and control by 8.C., although the effect was poor.

Return showing Results of Examination of New Zealand Garrison Artillery Volunteers for the Garrison Artillery Challenge Shield, 1906-7.

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