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The above Force was distributed as follows at end of Volunteer Year 1907 : —

Grand total, 20,033. A defined policy is necessary as regards equipment. The old method of getting equipment in irregular lots must be discontinued. The amount asked for should be granted to at once equip a part of the Force for active field service, i.e. — (a.) A reserve of rifles should be obtained to bring the number in the colony up to 50,000. (6.) Equipment to complete the personnel and mobilisation equipment for a first-line Force should be ready in emergency, to meet surprise raid, and for issue from time to time for peace training and manoeuvre. A minimum number of vehicles forming a nucleus for training Medical and Army Service Corps, &c, should, to begin with, be sufficient for, say, 1,500 men at each of the four districts having defended ports, with 500 for Nelson District, with an equipment of range-finders, mess-tins and covers, waterproof sheets, bandolier equipment, nucleus entrenching-tools, camp and cooking equipage, haversacks, water-bottles, telegraph-carts, ambulancewagons, medical water-carts, carts and pack-saddles for small-arms ammunition supply, general field service wagons, surgical haversacks, and harness. Provision for these articles is embodied in Estimates, the greater part of which can be made in the colony. Training and Instruction. Men without leaders can do little. Leaders without knowledge are a positive danger. Facilities, therefore, for gaining instruction must be given to the Defence Forces of the colony. The instruction of the Artillery services is good, and should yet improve. The officers of the Koyal New Zealand Artillery and the Royal New Zealand Engineers have undergone a course in England (two being now there). The Field Engineers have been handicapped. The arrival of the R.E. Instructor lately asked for will remedy this. The Field Hospital and Bearer corps are officered and instructed by professional gentlemen, and well understand the more important part of their work. In the past the Mounted Rifles and Infantry (the men who use the rifles) have been seriously handicapped owing to want of sufficient instructors, as may be seen by perusal of the statement showing available instructional staff for the colony. An Officer Instructor of Mounted Rifles for each Island has only lately been appointed. The wonder is, under these conditions, that these most important branches of a field Force know anything at all beyond the merest rudiments of drill and musketry. It is expected that the system of instruction now laid down, whereby there is the District Instructional Staff constantly operating throughout each district, with a general Instructional Staff to move regularly round the districts for the higher training, arranging for continuous courses where possible, and on evenings and half-holidays, for those who cannot give continuous attendance, will better the present state of affairs, and enable a progressive policy of military education to be carried out. To this end the Instructional Staff in each district has already been brought together for a short correcting course, not before it was needed however, the result showing that the greatest care must be taken in the selection of instructors, and even then both officer and non-commissioned officer instructors require to be periodically tested and examined. Arrangements are being made for a seven to ten days continuous course of instruction in each district at suitable time and place, should sufficient officers be found to attend, embracing drill, musketry, tactics, and administration. Facilities will also be given to such officers who cannot attend during a continuous course. By this means the higher training of the officer will receive attention, and during the summer a series of tactical exercises and staff rides will be arranged in districts on schemes and detail furnished by Headquarters.

Auckland. Wellington. Nelson. Canterbury. Ocago. Headquarters Staff District Staff Permanent Force, R. N. Z. A., R.N.Z.E. Garrison Artillery Volunteers Field Artillery Submarine and Field Engineers Mounted Rifles Infantry ... Field Hospital and Bearer corps Defence Cadets Rifle clubs Garrison bands Active unattached list and .... ... I ... I 8 82 252 79 122 1,278 1,007 37 281 222 29 8 11 162 238 91 166 1,034 2,149 36 1,052 1,740 29 34 5 2 159 292 606 52 333 525 27 9 *9 12 66 49 183 256 67 65 96 86 762 823 1,144 1,975 32 54 473 I 955 350 304 26 31 29 29 Total... 3,397 6,750 2,010 3,237 4,639