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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Commissioner op Police to the Hon. the Minister op Justice. Sib, — Police Department, Commissioner's Office, 4th June, 1907. I have the honour to submit for your information the annual report on the Police Force of the colony (together with the criminal statistics) for the year ended 31st March last. Strength op Force. On the 31st March last the strength of the Force was 699 (exclusive of two constables on leave prior to retirement) of all ranks, being an increase of 32 during the year. The total is made up as follows: — Inspectors ... ... ... ... ... 8 Sub-inspectors ... ... ... ... ... 6 Scation sergeants... ... ... ... ... 4 Sergeant-major ... ... ... ... ... 1 Sergeants ... ... ... ... ... 73 Constables ... ... ... ... ... 561 Chief detectives ... ... ... ... ... 5 Detectives ... ... ... ... ... 25 Acting-detectives ... ... ... ... ... 16 In addition to the above there were— Police surgeons ... ... ... ... ... 4 Matrons ... ... ... ... ... 4 District constables ... ... ... ... 18 Native constables... ... ... ... ... 9 Troop horses ... ... ... ... ... 51 Stations. New stations have been formed at Epsom, Gladstone, Granity, Morrinsville, Otira, Pongaroa, Eaurimu, Eiccarton, Scinde (Napier), and Seddon. The Native and district constable at Waipiro and Murchison have been replaced by regular members of the Force, and a district constable has replaced the regular constable at Moawhango. The stations at Makuri and Eenwicktown have been closed, and the station formed at Turangarere during the year was closed in February last with the view to opening one at Ohakune. Casualties. The following are the casualties for the year ended 31st March last: Eetired under Police Provident Fund Act, 12; died, 1; resigned voluntarily, 24 ; dismissed, 4 ; called upon to resign, 4 : total, 45. This is 21 less than in the preceding year.

I—H. 16.