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Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. "5? <s Number of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Cas occurred. Wind. Name of Matter. 3 3 i n Cargo. Casualty. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Passengers. i Direction. Force. 1906. June 2 Elsie, s.s., 22 years 15 Burnt; total loss Blackball Wharf, Havelock Woodwork near funnel caught fire, and vessel was scuttled, as efforts to subdue the fire failed ■ »■ ■ ■)/-.,. iy , Whilst being towed down the harbour the vessel stranded, owing to the tug not having sufficient power to tow her over the bar Cause of casualty : insufficient water on the bar, and the negligent navigation of the master in continuing too long on a southwest by west course after passing the line of beacons ; and, further, by not ascertaining his position by compass-bearings, or by soundings with the lead, after he had failed to pick up the back beacon. The Court considered the master should be severely censured, and ordered him to pay the costs of the inquiry, £15 7s.fiV ;; -, Mfc'H Returning from coastal voyage the vessel was unable to enter the river, owing to darkness and no lights visible. Direction of the wind suddenly changed during the night, and the vessel was compelled to put to sea. Owing either to failure of the engines or rough sea she was swamped, and the occupants drowned After crossing the bar the vessel touched bottom, and lost steerage- way /In backing out from Railway Wharf " Corinna " collided with " Pondo," and broke off a blade of the latter's propeller. Unavoidable accident, caused by the strong breeze blowing. The " Corinna " had one of her davits broken Vessel is supposed to have struck a submerged anchor on Wairau Bar, and had a hole torn in her bottom by the fluke Heavy seas caused the engines to race, and the tail-shaft carried away Cable parted, and vessel drove ashore, not having sufficient power to steam against heavy sea and wind Ketch swung round and stranded on rocks through swell making whilst she lay at anchor R. Pugh. 9 Pelotas, 9 years Barquentine 250 10 Timber Stranded; total loss Whangape Harbour .. S.E. Gentle breeze F. W. Whitton. „ 14 Waihi, s.s., 24 years Schooner 63 General Stranded ; partial loss Wairau Bar S.E. Moderate C. F. Baekstrom. „ 14 Akitio, oillaunch, 2 years Cutter .. 12 Somewhere near mouth of Akitio River Nil Swamped; total loss S.W. Strong John Beer. July 2 Kiripaka, s.s., 11 years Pondo, s.s., 12 years Stranded; slight damago Patea Bay ... A. M. Gillies. Ketch .. 75 10 Coal .. N.W. Light .. 3 Schooner 1773 32 General \ General Glasgow Wharf, Wellington Harbour S.W. Strong breeze E. R. Large. „ 3 Corinna, s.s., 25 years Schooner 812 Collision; slight damage J. S. Pender. 5 Blenheim, s.s., 1 year Schooner 85 10 2 Produce Supposed struck anchor Wairau Bar w. Gale .. S. Clark. „ 7 Kini, s.s., 12 years Paiaka, s.s., 25 years Schooner 702 •22 Ballast Tail-shaft broken Stranded ; partial loss 6 miles N.W. by W. of Cape Foulwind Fitzroy Bay S.W. Strong breeze Hurricane C. M. Tenant. 9 Ketch .. 10 2 Ballast N.N.W. J. Symons. 9 Lily, 31 years.. Ketch .. 13 Timber Stranded; slight damage Wharf, Okain's Bay .. N.W. Moderate W. Adams.