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Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

•1>1>] lical ;ion. Ulze\ te. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Mitre-gauge, &e. ' Mop and scrubber device Motor Motor, Explosion Motor, Perpetual Motor road-vehicle Motor. (See Rotary motor.) Moulding-machine Mower and reaper, Fingfer for E. Dane and D. Whitburn A. Johnston P. Ellis J. H. Noonan .. G. W. Pointon A. Ramsay 21482 21560 21409 21471 21372 21625 17 July 30 July 6 July 16 July 28 June 10 Aug. 74 77 77 77 68 81 23 Aug.* 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. , 9 Aug.* 20 Sep.* W. E. Hughes .. International Harvester Company of America G. Warne H. E. Rountree and C. Glasgow .. 21597 21165 8 Aug. 17 May 81 08 20 Sept. 9 Aug. Music-leaf turner Music turner and holder 21291 21200 13 June 25 May 08 04 9 Aug.* 26 July.* Nail Nail-driver Nail, Lead-headed Nail-making machine J. F. Nook A. Prior T. C. Hement P. Price, 8. Hill, A. Taylor, A. and W. P. McElhone, andH. S. Bracy H. Lundqvist . .. .. 21549 21199 21274 21719 30 July 25 May 7 June 27 Aug. 64 08 26 July.* 9 Aug.* Nails, Grab for handling Net. (See Trawling-net.) Nitrogen, Preparing organisms which gather atmospheric Non-reflllable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Nosebag for animals Nut-lock 21480 19 July 74 23 Aug.* G. H. Earp-Thomas 21632 29 Sept., 1905f 81 20 Sept. C. J. H. Payne E. S. Evelyn R. Watson F. M. Norris and J. Robertson .. A. Lyell D. J. Malone J. Greenfield J.T.Clark 21182 21210 21304 21204 21837 21732 21691 21518 19 May 28 May 14 June 25 May 27 Sept. 4 Sept. 24 Aug. 26 July 64 <»4 08 74 26 July.* 26 July.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* Oil-oan Oil filter Oil-lamp extinguisher Ointment Operating railway indicator-boards Ore-concentrator driving mechanism Ore - concentrator, Dust ■ proof hfad motion for Ore-concentrator, Multiplane deck for Ore-cruBher Ore feeder J. A. Grofski R. Williams A. G. R. Williams M. Kennedy W. E. Hughes .. E. Deister N. Guthridge .. 21458 20147 20132 21397 21785 21700 21168 17 July 28 Nov., 1905 4 0ot., 1905 3 July 14 Sept. 28 Aug. 17 May 81 81 74 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 68 9 Aug. N. Guthridge .. C. B. C. Storey and J. A. Wauchope J The Mount Lyell Minir.g and Rail ( way Company, Limited. C. Suggate and W. E.C. Alexander J.Hebbard W. Blackmore and A. Howard J. R. Parks R. W. E. Maclvor F. C. Brown R. C. Sticht D. MoKenzie .. C. F. F. Allan .. Ozonair, Limited 21167 21765 21606 17 May 25 Sept., 1905f 9 Aug. 08 9 Aug. 81 20 Sept. Ore-refining furnaoe Ores, Grinding, in pans Ore, Treating pyritic Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ottoman and bed combined Oven, Cabinet Ozonizing atmospheric air 21377 21747 21077 21635 21811 21727 21516 21599 21522 21828 26 June 6 Sept. 4 Sept., 1905f 15 Aug. 19 Sept. 30 Aug. 26 July 6 Aug 24 July 26 Sept. 68 84 81 81 9 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 84 4 Oct.* 77 6 Sept.* Package for foodstuffs Packing honey Pan. (See Grinding-pan.) Paper-box, Folding Paper file Paper-file Paper-holder and cutter Pasteuriser or milk-heater Pasteurising milk, &o. Pedal-strap Pen or pencil attachment Perambulator Perambulator-wheel .. Perforating-rule, Printers' Phormium tenax, Treatment of Phorviiwn tenax, Utilising waste of, as oattle-food Photographio exposure and focus distributor Photographic plates, &c, Preparing and developing Photographs, Printing, on silver chloride paper Physical-exercise apparatus Pioture-frame clamp Picture-hanger Pictures, Show-case for Pigment, Feeding brush with Pile-frame, Reinforced concrete Pin Pin. (See Hat-pin, Hair-pin, Safety pin.) H. T. Griffiths and G. E. Andrew T. Sutherland .. 19954 21795 31 Aug., 1905 17 Sept. 59 12 July. L. Banks and W. Grey . . J. Pomeroy H. A. Cutting E. A. Irwin J. Anderson P. M. Maze . .. R. Weston G. F. Wight P. Jensen C. J. Ladbrook .. K. C. McCaul and G. S. Rait W. G. Richardson W. G. Richardson 21252 19971 21752 20083 21844 21235 21611 21816 21276 21396 21585 21840 21841 30 May 30 Aug., 1905 7 Sept. 20 Sept., 1905 25 Sept. 30 May 9 Aug. 20 Sept. 8 June .. 2 July 6 Aug. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 77 77 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 68 9 Aug. (58 9 Aug. 68 08 74 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* J. W. Davis 21283 8 June 84 4 Oct. W. F. C. Kelly and J. A. Bentham 21383 27 June 08 9 Aug. H. J. Mallabar 20046 18 Sept., 1905 64 26 July. E. Hyde and K. Matthews D.. Marshall W. Wenlook and W. B. Anderson R. Martin A.J. Hall C. R. Massey W. H. Carter, jun. 21565 21039 21286 21407 21666 21542 21636 2 Aug. 20 April 13 June 6 July 18 Aug. 31 July 15 Aug. 04 C8 08 26 July.* 9 Aug.* 9 Aug. 74 84 23 Aug.* 4 Oct.*