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Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

3—H. 10.—07.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Ires, Extracting gold from Ires, Recovering values from Ires, Reduction of auriferous Ires, Saving gold frem crushed Ires, Treatment of sulphideIres, Treating Ires, Treating ... Iven, CookingIverall garment Ivershce F. W. Dupre .. E. C. Pohle C. Ghiyas A. T. W. Allan and W. McCullough H. P. Keogh E. Phillips E. Phillips J. MoGuire A. A. Holdsworth C. L. Higgins 19646 20778 19375 20115 20530 20586 20583 20822 20916 20682 28 June, 1905 27 Feb. 20 April, 1905 25 Sept., 1905 5 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 8 Maroh 29 March 7 Feb. 2 26 2 22 6 10 19 11 Jan. . S April. 11 Jan. 22 March. 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 8 Ma rob. 22 22 Marob. 'ail and stool, Milk .. 'aint 'aint-work, Priming-ooat for .. 'aper holder and clasp 'aper-stand 'article-separator 'ea-sheller .. 'edal. (See Bicycle-pedal, Cycle-pedal.) 'eg, Clothes-'encil-sharpener .. 'enholder, Nib-releasing 'en or pencil carrier.. 'erforating-machines 'hotographic dry plates W. C. Quinnell.. J. A. Boyd and H. S. Woolcott .. G. R. Warren H. A. E. Kelly A. Mortland A. P. S. Maoquieten D. Krmpotic 20695 20647 20707 20815 20777 20527 19816 10 Feb. 27 Jan. 10 Feb. 7 March 26 Feb. 4 Jan. 1 Aug., 1905 15 15 22 2G 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 22 March.* 5 April.' 19 6 8 March. 25 Jan. A. Curwood F. Castle and W. Garey .. W. T. Gilmour .-. E. H. Donaldson and A. A. Wilson United Shoe Machinery Companv W. F. 0. Kelly and J. A Bentham F. J. E. Smallbone H. C. Playter and P. L. Pomeroy C. Perkins .. .. F. W. Biihne .. 20863 20691 20674 20807 19271 20542 15 March 7 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 March 30 Maroh, 1905 8 Jan. 10 Feb. J 19 8 March.* 20700 2 10 19 26 22 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 March.* 5 April. 22 March. 'icture-frame cramp .'. 'ioture-frame cramp 'in-catch •ipe-joint .. 'ipe. (See Blast-pipe, Tobacco-pipe, Water-pipe.) 'ipe-wrench.. .. 'ipe-wrench.. ... 'laning-machines curving-attachment.. 'lant support and protection ., 'lates, Heating arid drying 'lough and cultivator, Stump-jump 'lough-coulter 'lough-disc mounting 'lough. (See also Disc plough, Ditch plough.) 'lough-wheel bearing 'ole. (See Curtain-pole, Trolley-pole.) 'olisher, Boot'olisher, Floor-'olishing-oompound 'dishing compound, Metal- .. 'otato-blight, Solution for 'oultry, Egg trap nest for 'oultryfeeder 'reservation of meat.. 'leserving miik, butter, &o. .. 'ress for moulding bricks 'res sure vat 'rinting rule .. .. .. 'rinting-surface 'rop-clip 'rop. (See Clothes-prop.) 'ropeller 'rotector. (See Bicycle-pedal proteotor, Fruit-tree protector, Rim • proteotor, Sleeve-cuff protector, Tire-protector.) 'rotecting rivor-banks 'ulley or block 'uinp .... . ... • 'nmp, Bicyele'ump, Centrifugal and turbine 20684 20931 20595 5 Feb. 28 March 18 Jan. 19 8 March. H. E. McDonald H. E. McDonald G. Pulman 0. H. Fabian .. J. E. L. Gardner R. B. Smith A. Reid J. D. Bywater 20560 20562 20597 20582 20845 20666 20919 20540 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 15 Jan. 17 Jan. 14 March 31 Jan.29 March .. 6 Jan. 6 6 10 10 25 Jan.* 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 15 22 Feb.'* io 8 Feb.* W. Brew 19558 5 June, 1905 26 5 April. A. Leman .. .. W. E. Garey and F. Castle M. McLellan .. F. E. A. Gordon S. B. Corrigan E. J. Ritchie ., P. J. Cooks and F. 0. Andrews .. A. H. Chapman S. P. Andersen E. T. G. Firth .. F. A. Oddie H. J. Bent W. E. Hughes .. J. W. Mackay .. 20551 20902 20665 20573 20617 20598 20428 20393 20773 20811 20651 20657 19214 20896 8 Jan. 21 March ".". 31 Jan. 15 Jan. 23 Jan. 18 Jan. 8 Dec. 28 Nov., 1905 13 Feb. 3 Maroh 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 18 Marob, 1905 22 March .. 15 15 10 15 10 15 20 15 19 6 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 22 Peh * 8 Feb.* 22 Feb. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 8 March. 25 Jan. J. Fola 20882 21 March J. Dalton C. J. Tuck Brunswick Refrigerating Company J. U. Tajlor .. .. .. International Steam Pump Company W. M. Davison A. E. Luttrell .. 20544 20704 20883 20917 20823 8 Jan. 12 Feb. 21 Maroh .. 29 March .. 8 March .. 6 15 25 Jan.* 22 Feb.* 20 5 April. 'nmp for vending and recording liquid 'ump, Rotary .. 20721 20758 14 Feb. 22 Feb. 20 26 5 April. 5 April. Jabbit-exterminating tail-cleaner for tramway tail clearer, Tramwaytails, Dressing tailway-brake tailwaj -brake, Operating F. W. Parker .. H. Quortier H. Quertier M. W.ods and T. J. Gilbert W. H. Wood P. W. Hughes, T. S. A. Widdop, and F. Drew W. S. Layoook... T. A. Rodgers J. S. Kirkpatriok and C. Starr .. J. T., W. S., and C. J. H. Payne, and A. W. Smith T. Bassett 19627 20581 19831 20887 20629 20788 26 June, 1905 16 Jan. 3 Aug., 1905 ■ 21 Maroh .. ■24 Jam ■ 28 Feb. 2 15 15 11 Jan. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 22 22 March. 22 March.* tailway-carriage seat tailway-rails, Joining tailway turn-table tailway-vehiele coupling 20516 20667 20512 20923 3 Jan. 30 Jan. 3 Jan. 28 Maro-h .. 15 19 e 22 Feb. 8 March.* 25 Jan.* take, Hay- .. 20652 27 Jam 19 8 March.