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Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name No. Date. No. Date. Harness Harness Harness Harness, Blacking for Harness-tug .. - .. Hat and clothing cabinet Hay-rake Heater, WaterHeating or drying plates, &c. Heat of stoves, utilising waste Hedge-cutter Heel-finishing machine Heel for boot or shoe Hemp trade, Preventing fraud in Hides, Extracting fat from Hoe II. T. Rawnsley M. Barraclough (). W. Westropp and J. G. Harper R. W. Campbell E. Hill H. C. Bell T. Bassett W. D. Martin and N. M. Thomson J. E. L. Gardner T. Walters C. G. Johanson United-Xpedite Finishing Company R. Barnes i J. D. McLaurin j H. C. Beaker .. F. Whiley, T. Wereta, R. Whiley, jun., and M. Tukeka E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward E. Henshall N. A. H. Abel .. C. B. Gaby ■ 20934 19366 20910 20813 20795 20561 20652 20891 20845 20906 19355 20514 20484 20911 20849 19185 31 Maroh 19 April, 1905 27 March .. 6 March 1 March 10 Jan. 27 Jan. 21 March .. 14 March 29 Maroh 17 April, 1905 3 Jan. 21 Dec, 1905 28 March 14 March 9 March, 1905 15 22 6 19 22 Feb.' 22 March.* 25 Jan.* 8 March. 15 2 10 22 Feb. 11 Jan.* 8 Feb. 26 19 5 April.* 8 March. Hoist and winoh Hoist, Friction Hoisting building-material Hoisting-machine for lifts Holder. (See Candle-holder, Kerosenetin holder, Mat-holder, Music-holder, Paper-holder, Penholder.) Hook, TraceHorse, Blinkers for Horse-collar.. Horse-cover Horse-cover fastening Horse-cover fastening Horse-feed box and reservoir Horse, Preventing, from kicking Horse-shoe Hose-coupling Hose of Westmghouse brake Hot well Hot well House, Fireproof Hydrocarbon oil, Production of gas from Hydrooarbon oil, Generating gas from .. T. J. Davenport D. W. McKewen j R. H. Carter .. H. W. Downing A. Thompson J. E. Broad J. A. Easton and J. Greenfield E. Aston and W. H. Thompson .. H. Ledgard it. Gilmour A. M. Anderson R. Williams E. E. Collins .. M. Squire A. Jack A. Jack 20914 20558 20727 19409 20894 20761 20772 20791 20933 20810 20571 20519 20857 20833 20840 20G88 20825 20827 20469 20679 29 March 10 Jan. 15 Feb. 1 May, 1905 21 March 20 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 Feb. 29 March 2 Maroh 11 Jan. 3 Jan. 14 March 10 March 13 Maroh 9 Feb. 7 March 9 March 19 Dec, 1905 6 Feb. 19 26 ■22 20 10 b 19 25 Jan.* 8 March. 8 March.* 5 April.* 22 March.* 5 April.* 8 Feb.* 2G 16 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 19 ■22 8 March. 22 March. Incandescent burner Inoandescent vapour-burner S. E. Evans A. Blanchard, H. Wood, a>;d E. A. H. Burgoyne A. J. Border and L. M. Coventry H. Ashworth .. G. Scott R. B. Forsyth A. Beck 20818 20487 8 March 21 Dec, 1905 26 10 5 April.* 8 Feb. Indicator Indicator, Tram or train Injector, Sterilised-air Ink-remover.. Internal-combustion engine 20742 20648 20104 20826 20722 19 Feb. 27 Jan. 27 Sept., 1905 7 March 13 Feb. 2-1 15 •2C> 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 5 April. 19 8 March.* Jack. (See Boot-repairing jack, Leverjack, Lifting-jack.) Joint, Pipe- .. P. W. Biihne 20595 18 Jan. 8 March. 19 Keroaene-tin handle Kerosene-tin holder Kitchen-range J. S. Roberts S. G. Lee and T. J. Wathew A. R. Hubbard and R. Flay 19207 20678 20535 14 Mar., 1905 2 Feb. 6 Jan. 10 10 8 Feb. 8 Feb. Ladder, Safety-strap for Lamb's-tail cutter and searer Lamp. (See Oil-lamp, Signal-lamp.) Lantern Larder, Water-jacketed Leaf ledger, Detachable-Leg-rope grip Lens, Concentrating and deflecting Lever-jack Lid of saucepan, &c. Lift, Hoisting-machine for Lifting-jack Links of chains Line-spacer for typewriter Linotype-machine Linotype-machine Linotype-machine .. .. Linotype-machine Liquid-ejector Liquid-ejector Liquid measurer and draw-off.. Liquid, Pump for vending and recording Liquid-sprayer Liquid vending and reoording.. Liquids, Drawing off .. Load in eleetrio circuit, Equalising Loading-orane for dray or wagon Loading ships .. .. .. | A. Maokay C. Cannell M. Teasdale G. Davies T. B. Dineen .. S. Armstrong .. R. E. Bell B. and W. Trewhella 0. Kendrick C. B. Gaby A. Bradfield, jun. L. D. Mattassi A. B. Wilson W. H. Thomas F. Gossler W. E. Hughes W. H.Thomas A. S. Ford A. S. Ford J. C. D. Dow .. W. M. Davison.. G. Osborne W. M. Davison.. F. W. Smith .. J. P. Campbell.. P. and D. Dunoan, Limited J. H. Matthews and J. Mues 20940 20763 20890 20531 20529 20564 20705 20661 20886 19409 20565 19148 20552 20892 20839 20523 20855 20743 20005 20603 20721 20600 20720 20921 20628 20792 20756 30 March .. 20 Feb. 21 March .. 5 Jan. 3 Jan. 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 31 Jan. 21 Maroh 1 May, 1905 9 Jan. 23 Feb., 1905 10 Jan. 22 March .. 10 Maroh 4 Jan. 14 March 15 Feb. 9 Sept., 1905 19 Jan. 14 Feb. 17 Jan. 14 Feb. 30 March 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 6 10 22 19 15 26 6 2 March.* 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 22 March. 8 March. 22 Feb. 5 April. 25 Jan.* 26 5 April.* 22 2 15 26 10 26 22 March.* 11 Jan.* 22 Feb.* 5 April. 8 Feb.* 5 April. 19 22 19 8 March. 22 March.* 8 Maroh.*