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Illustrated Official Journal, containing lists of recent applications, abridgments of inventions for which patents have been lately granted, patents void, &c, to May, 1907. Index of Applicants. Subject-matter Index. , , , Commissioner of Patents Journal, ifecf"). Trade Marks Journal to April, 1907. Canada. Patent Office Recoid (containing illustrated abridgments of inventions, &c.) to November, 1906( b ). Australia. The full text of the specifications and complete drawings in respect of applications accepted from the 11th January to the 3rd August, 1906. The Official Journal of Patents of the Australian Commonwealth (containing list of applications for letters patent, abridgments of complete specifications accepted, &c). The Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks (containing lists of applications for registrations of trade marks). Specifications, drawings, abridgments, and indexes of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia( c ). United States. The full text of the specifications and drawings for the first half of the year 1905. The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office (containing illustrated abridgments of specifications, &c.) to November, 1906. Mexico. The Official Gazette of the Patent and Trade Mark Office. General. La Propriety Industrielle (the official organ of the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property). Patent laws of the world. Patent and Trade Mark Review. Text-books and handbooks on patents and trade marks. ' ' I ■ i Miscellaneous publications. ( a ) Discontinued. (•>) These may also be seen at the Public Libraries, Auckland and Chri&tchurch, and Town Hall, Dunedin. (°) In arrear. Not now being printed. Books and Documents open to Inspection. The following documents and books are open to public inspection at the Patent Office :— Patents. (Fee for each search or inspection, not exceeding one hour, Is.) 1. The files relating to all applications for letters patent in respect of which complete specifications have been accepted. 2. Classified copies of specifications and drawings, with index and key( a ). 3. Register of Applications for Letters Patent. 4. Register of Patents. 5. Register of Subsequent Proprietors of Letters Patent( b ). 6. Index of Patentees( c ). 7. Index of Proprietors of Letters Patent granted prior to 1890( a ). 8. Index of Specifications^). Designs. ' '■. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. Register of Designs, with Index of Names of Proprietors. 2. Classified Representations of Designs in respect of which Copyright has expired. 3. Index of Designs. Trade Marks. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. The files relating to all applications for registration of trade marks. 2. Register of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks. 3. Register of Trade Marks. 4. Index of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks('). 5. Index of Trade Marks. 6. Classified Representations of Trade Marks, with indexes. Miscellaneous. Register of Patent Agents. ( a ) Key is in card index. ( b ) This Register contains only names of subsequent proprietors of letters patent granted prior to Ist January, 1890 ; since that date they appear in Register of Patents. ( c ) Includes all names of applicants, &c, and consists of four volumes to 4th November, 1903, and card index since that date. A separate card index is kept for current quarter. ( a ) The names of proprietors of subsequent letters patent appear in the Index of Patentees. C) Contains classified abridgments of specifications from 1861, with extracts from drawings from July, 1904. (') Names of applicants for registration and proprietors of trade marks are indexed at the beginning of the Registers up to 31st December, 1889 ; in separate volume up to sth September, 1904 ;Jand since the latter dateare in the card index.
