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Charles John Berry; Wynand Gerardus Andries Boers; Joseph Francis Fabian; Sydney James Jago; Samuel Johnston; Hermann Henry Rolfes.

J. G. Ward, General Post Office, Wellington, 12th November, 1907. Postmaster-General. Report of Controller and Auditor-General. The Audit Office has no objection to raise to the proposal in the above notification to grant pensions to Messrs. C. J. Berry, W. G. A. Boers, J. F. Fabian, S. J. Jago, S. Johnston, and H. H. Rolfes. J. K. Warburton, Audit Office, Wellington, 21st November, 1907. Controller and Auditor-General.

David Johnston.

J. A. Millar, Department of Trade and Customs, Minister of Customs. Wellington, 20th November, 1907. Report of Controller and Auditor-General. The Audit Office has no objection to raise to the proposal to grant a pension to the abovenamed officer. J. K. Warburton, Audit Office, 21st November, 1907. Controller and Auditor-General.

Atkinson McDowell.

J. A. Millar, Department of Trade and Customs, Minister of Custofns. Wellington, 14th November, 1907. * Report of Controller and Auditor-General. The Audit Office has no objection to raise to the proposal to grant a pension to the above officer. J. K. Warburton, Audit Office, 20th November, 1907. Controller and Auditor-General.

2—H. 4.

ame. lepar ;menl .nnual 'ension. >ate ol lommencement. Berry, Charles John Post and Telegraph ... £14 6s. 4d., in addition to £227 15s. 4d. already reported to Parliament £1 4s. 9d., in addition to £73 13s. 7d. already reported to Parliament 9s. 2d., in addition to £98 10s. lOd. already reported to Parliament £19 13s. 6d., in addition to £305 6s. 6d. already reported to Parliament £1 lis. 9d., in addition to £173 8s. 3d. already reported to Parliament £1 5s. 7d., in addition to £83 14s. 5d. already reported to Parliament 16th February, 1904. Boers, Wynand Gerardus Andries » 24th October, 1901. Fabian, Joseph Francis... it • • • 1st October, 1904. Jago, Sydney James 1st September, 1903. Johnston, Samuel „ ... 7th June, 1900. Rolfes, Hermann Henry 23rd November, 1904. „ ...

Department. Annual Pension. Date of Commencement. Customs £ 400 8. 0 d. 0 j 1st April, 1908.

Department. Annual Pension. I Date of Commencement. £ 290 8. 0 d. 0 1st April, 1908. Customs