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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in pursuance of Section 13 of " The East Coast Native Trust Lands Act, 1902.

Beport by the East Coast Native Teust Lands Commissioner. Gisborne, 11th September, 1907. 'm' I have the honour to submit the following report of the transactions of the late Board and of my predecessor (the late Mr. J. A. Harding), together with the balance-sheet and statement of thp arrrmnts of the Trust to the 31st March last. sLce he dateof the Board's last report none of the lands have beeri disposed ofeither by sale or lease In view of the duty cast on the Validation Court by the amending Act of last session to adiust the equities of the beneficiaries of the several lands, and to direct such sales, mortgages, and ofhe dispositions of the several blocks as may be necessary to give effect to the scheme for such adjustment the Board and the Commissioner were almost entirely precluded from disposing of anj further areas until after formulation by the Court of the scheme of adjustment. If the Court is ur her empowered upon the prorogation of the present session of Parliament, to complete and Sve effec?to3 a scheme of adjustment as was contemplated by the statute, the lands now remaining in the Trust can shortly be dealt with in accordance with the directions, and all the lands not required for the purposes of the Native beneficiaries can be leased ThewSof the lands under lease are in profitable occupation, and in every instance the lessees have complied fully with the requirements of the improvement clauses in their leases, lessees nave co p y part . occup l t ion of Natives cannot be leased upon terms which are mutually satisfactory to the Natives and their tenants. Such lands : Bhoald be made pro.ductive Mv predecessor in office was pressed by the Natives to utilise such lands, but felt restricted by the limitation of hTs powers. I recommend such power should be granted to the Commissioner. _ I he Mocks to be improved, either singly or in groups, were first approved by the Minister, a sufficient check: indue exercise of such power would be provided. Power to borrow moneys for purposes of general improvement would be required. T. A. Coleman, Commissioner. The Hon. the Minister for Native Affairs, Wellington.

Statement of Receipts and Payments in respect of the East Coast Native Trust Lands from the 25th August, 1906, to the 31st March, 1907. Rereivts £ s. d. Payments, £ s. d. Balance, 25th August, 1906-U in b ank 3,702 710 | Subdivision expenses and improvement,- & Purchase-mone JS : Balances received frm No 2 '.', " 10 0 0 purchas-rson sales of freehold as per former accounts JUD Maiawhero No. 1 4 4 0 Bents- 203 711 Tahora No. 2 44 9 3 Paremata .. 1 463 4 1 , (road formation) .. 1,010 0 0 Mangapcike No. 2 .. ■• J, Bents paid to Native owners .. .. 622 6 4 K a r s^h 2D No.i- :: :;. '™y o \™-f^ s .. :: ■• Pakowhai, Section No. 2 .. •• 30 0 0 Intarest .. .. 948 14 4 Whangawehi lα, Iβ, lo .. •• 5 Salaries- " Tah.raNo. 2 37 i \ | ! Members of Board .. ■■ 1,200 0 0 Interest on purchase-moneys .. .. «18 8 e ™ m^io °^° ara .. .. 33 6 8 Proceeds fencing claim, Maraetaha No. 2, J .. ■• •• 133 6 8 Section 4 .. ■• 60 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. •• 58 6 0 Contractors' deposits ™ Audit and office expenditure .. .. 51 7 4 Advances to settlers in Tahora No. 2 on aocount of contract for road-formation (since repaid) 522 10 0 Contractors' dpposits repaid .. • • t>o 0 0 Balance, 81st March, 1907—oash in bank.. 3,464 0 0 , T , iqft7 T. A. Coleman, Commissioner. Gisborne, 13th July, iW/. Examined and found correct.— J. Sandtmann, F.I.A.N.Z.