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This estimate will probably not l>e exceeded, and in such case it will not meet the expenditure In £600. As, however, we have a cash surplus of £3,424, to which may Le added the outstanding fees of the Survey and Land Titles Court, £1,043 19s. 3d., and as the suggested public works arc of urgent necessity, no exception can fairly be taken to our drawing on the surplus for such works. Schedule 1 discloses the receipts and expenditure on the whare manvuhirt, which has now been leased to Mrs. Kohn mi £10 per annum, a rate that will keep the buildings and furniture in repair. Schedule J deals with the sale of liquor under the Licensing Act of 1904, and demonstrates the sobriety of the people of these Islands so far as imported liquors are concerned. Schedules X and I- explain all payments made under the contingent votes for general purposes and Land Titles Court. I have the honour to submit the following return of 'he rainfall at Avarua, in the Island of Rarotonga, for the past eight years.

A. Cook and other Islands Administration. Port of Rarotonga. — Return of Imports for Year ended 3lst December, 1906.

Month. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. i in a 1904. 1006. 190<>. Aver»K''JanuiiiN February March April .. May .. June .. July •• August September October November December In. .. 1207 .. 14-01 6-87 .. 1102 .. 15-73 5-81 1-55 2-77 9-32 2-33 .. ; 2-26 .. ! 7-46 In. 8-51 6-30 5-96 3-30 3-60 247 1-23 7-Mi 5-57 2-86 3-47 10-81 hi. 2015 6-00 5-41 11-17 7-77 5-52 1-24 (J-96 3-29 1-21 t-30 1311 In. 14-09 14-02 13-67 '5-33 3-58 3-60 1-84 1-77 0-78 2-85 8-48 2-47 Ln. 3-05 8-10 6-15 1114 6-02 115 311 0-31 519 7-95 10-83 2-88 i I i In. In. In. 8-85 4-80 9-54 9-19 1106 8-42 10-73 6-02 9-42 10-34 14-86 10-08 5-21 3-82 6-29 4-18 1-85 1-74 5-90 5-81 1-72 3-37 3-39 4-95 5-07 1 34 1-61 4-84 4-25 3-90 1-42 6-62 2-37 5-35 0-91 8-89 In. 1013 9-64 8-03 9-66 6-50 3-29 2-80 3-87 4-02 3-85 4-89 6-42 . E. Gudgeon, Resident Comiuissioi ier.

Article. Whence imported. Value. Total. £ Lgrieultural produce, not otherwise enumerated .. New Zealand .. .. 159 „ .. United States America.. 2 £ inimals, living—Birds .. .. .. Tahiti n Fowls .. .. .. New Zealand Hors.-s 20 - „ ., Tahiti .. .. II Iβ! 6 2 Sheep .. .. . ■ New Zealand inns, ammunition, and explosives .. .. „ .. .. 105 „ .... Germany .. .. I .'5 ., ... United States Amerioa . . 3 31 2(i 121 ipparel and slops .. .. .. .. New Zealand .. .. 1,231 Nine .. .. 4 M .. .. .. .. United Kingdom .. 19 New South Wales .. 6] Maiden Island .. 4 " .. .. .. .. Tahiti .. .. 281 .rrowroot .. .. .. • • • • Tahiti iacon and hams .. .. .. .. New Zealand .. .. 60 New South WμIrs . . 2 1,600 as 6is toes and sacks .. .. • .. •• New Zealand .. .. 510 Niue .. .. 8 . . Tahiti .. .. i 519