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Schedules to Interim Report— continued.

No. Name of Block. Area. Number of Owners. How proposed to be dealt with. Name of Lessee. Division of Owners. Subdivision necessary. Restrictions or Special Provisions. 29 Mohaka No. 45 30 . No. 46 A. B. P. 533 0 0 25 0 0 3 1 To be leased to For use of owner; may be used as stockpaddock in conjunction with No. 45 Papakainga Pitiera te Wainohu •• ., 31 I „ No. 47 32 ! . No. 48 33 j „ No. 49 34 . No. 50 5 0 0 122 0 0 143 0 0 25 0 0 3 f> 1 1 For use of owner as farm To be leased to __ Rangi Tumataroa and Waihaki Nikitini . 35 l „ No. 51 90 0 0 10 Papakainga in three subdivisions exoept 20 acres, being interests of owners 7, 8, and 9, whioh are to be leased to Hemi Pura Wepiha te Wainohu Wepiha fce Wainohu or to highest bidder amongst owners of Mohaka Interest of Hemi Keefe, 40 acres Interests of 1, 2, and 3, and 7, 8, and 9 Interests of 4, 5, and 6 (a) To contain interests 5, 6, and 7 (b) To contain interests of 1, 2, and 3 t (c) To contain interests of 4, 8, 9, and 10 [ See instructions to surveyor. 36 . 'No. 52 36 2,688 0 0 10 (a) 838 acres for a farm of the Kahika family (b) 1,057 acres to be leased to - Ditto .. -] i As to 793 acres, if Wepiha gets consent of owners he can have lease; if not, then to go to highest bidder. 37 ! . No. 53 380 0 0 (c) 793 acres (balance) to be leased to .. To be leased to highest bidder ) \ 37 38 ' . No. 54 38 39 J . No. 55 723 0 0 769 0 C 4 16 6 328 acres to be leased to 395 acres to be leased to Wiremu Hokena Bangi Tumataroa and Waihaki Nikitini To contain interests of 2, 11, 14, and 16 and 15 To contain interests of rest of owners ISee instructions to j surveyor As to interests of 14, 15, and 16, first asoertain position of will or succession orders to Hori Karaka te Ao. (a) 124 acres Rapata Kiiwhi and Hawi Pere Rangi Tumataroa and Waihaki Nikitini Wiremu Hokena (a) Interest of No. 3 (b) „ 4 (c) . 2 (d) „ 1,5,6.. (Ditto. 39 (6) 89 acres (c) 124 acres (d) Balance to be farm of owners Lessees to pay rates on papakainga, and may graze stock thereon at periods. 1 Tutaekuri No. Iα 1,566 2 0 19 Tut A] 20 acres reserved for papakainga :kuri No. 1. Tamihana Karari ) Hemi Huata .. For all owners in the same relative proportion as they held the original subdivision To be arranged between lessees To contain the interest of Apikaira Rewi, deceased To be located at 4b (marked on plan of Block) 2 „ No. Iβ 518 0 0 490 acres to be leased to 1,056 acres „ 30 acres to be a papakainga ) 12 488 acres to be leased to Hema Teka and Kapene Taiaroa. Lessees to have use of papakainga (including interest of Apikaira Rewi till her successors require the land) and pay rates thereon.