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IV. Agreements are usually for three years, and are terminable at the expiration of this term or thereafter by three months' notice. V. The charge for use of a call office for local calls is Id. for each three minutes' conversation. VI. Post Office subscribers are able to use their exchange circuits for the following purposes : — (1.) To forward messages for transmission over the public wires as telegrams: (2.) To forward messages for delivery as express letters: (3.) To forward messages for delivery as ordinary letters: (4.) To call for the services of Post Office express messengers: (5.) To receive telegrams, in place of the ordinary delivery by messenger, where, in adopting this course, no alteration in the circulation of telegrams is involved. VII. Post Office subscribers have the right to communicate over the trunk wires with subscribers of the National Telephone Company and other licensees of the Postmaster-General in all other areas on payment of the trunk fees. Rates of Subscription at Small Towns. — Measured Service. I. Charge for installing a telephone on the subscriber's premises and connecting it with an exchange not more than half a mile distant—annual subscription: — («.) Five pounds, covering the right to send 480 messages during the year to offices on the same exchange, or (b.) Six pounds, covering the right to send 720 messages during the year to offices on the same exchange. Any additional messages to offices on the same exchange will be charged Id. each. Each call from one exchange to another in the same area is generally reckoned as two local calls. No charge is made to a subscriber for calls received. 11. Where the premises of any subscriber are more than half a mile from the exchange, the annual subscription is increased by £1 ss. for every additional quarter of a mile or fraction thereof. Where new work of an exceptionally expensive character is involved, a higher charge may be necessary. 111. Agreements are usually for three years, and are terminable at the expiration of this term or thereafter by three months' notice. IV. The charge for the use of a call office for local calls is 2d. for each three minutes' conversation. V. Post Office subscribers are able to use their exchange circuits for the following purposes: — (1.) To forward messages for transmission over the public wires as telegrams: (2.) To forward messages for delivery as express letters: (3.) To forward messages for delivery as ordinary letters: (4.) To call for the services of Post Office express messengers: (5.) To receive telegrams, in place of the ordinary delivery by messenger, where, in adopting this course, no alteration in the circulation of telegrams is involved. VI. Post Office subscribers have the right to communicate over the trunk wires with subscribers of the National Telephone Company and other licensees of the Postmaster-General in all other areas on payment of the trunk fees. Rates for Party Lines in the Provinces. Where two or more persons share the use of one line to an exchange, the Postmaster-General is prepared to provide the service at special rates. Such lines are called "party lines." They may be " two-party lines," where the Postmaster-General undertakes to connect the premises of only two subscribers on the one circuit; or "ten-party lines," where he reserves to himself the right to connect the premises of any number of subscribers from three to ten by means of the one line and its spurs. The main circuit is that portion of a party line which is used in common by two or more subscribers. The expression " spur circuit " means that portion of a party line used by one subscriber only. The rates of subscription are: — I. Party-line message-rate service: («.) Where the length of the main circuit does not exceed the radius from the post-office covered by the minimum payment at the ordinary message rate (usually half a mile), and the spur circuits do not in each case exceed 220 yards in length, an annual subscription, payable in advance, of £2 per subscriber for a "two-party line," and of £1 10s. for a "ten-party line," exclusive of the charge for the transmission of messages. The charge for local messages is in each case Id. per call, with a minimum payment of £1 10s. per subscriber, also payable annually in advance. (b.) Where the length of the main circuit exceeds the ordinary radius, a charge of 12s. 6d. in the case of a "two-party line," and of 10s. in the case of a "ten-party line," for each additional quarter of a mile for each subscriber using it. (c.) Where the spur circuit exceeds 220 yards, a charge of 12s. 6d. for each additional 220 yards or fraction thereof, payable by the individual subscriber concerned. 11. Two-party line unlimited service: A subscription of £6 a year, payable in advance, for ordinary "two-party lines," when the length of the main circuit does not exceed half a mile and the spur circuits do not in each case exceed 220 yards in length. Excess distances in the main or spur circuits to be charged for as in the case of the message-rate subscription. The unlimited-