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Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, and between New Zealand and the Auckland Islands: and should be obliged if, after perusing the draft conditions, you would favour me with your opinion whether, as framed, they meet all requirements. I should also be glad to know the intentions of your Government in respect of the proposed installation between Australia and this colony, and at the same time to be advised of the experience of the experimental installation between Queensclifi and Devonport. I send two copies of the draft condition*, and you will perhaps be so good as to return one copy with any suggestions which you may desire to offer. I understand that your intention is to call for tenders. I have, &c, The Hon. the Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne. J. G, Ward. [Tel. 06/207.1

Enclosure in No. 27. Draft Conditions for a proposed Wireless Telegraph Service between Australia and Tasmania and New Zealand, and between New Zealand and the Auckland Islands. (1.) One high-power station to be established on the south coast of Australia and a low-power Nation on the northern side of Tasmania, and one high-power station on the south or south-west coast of New Zealand and a low-power station at the Auckland Islands. (2.) The high-power stations in Australia and New Zealand to be able to communicate with each other, and the low-power stations in Tasmania and the Auckland Islands to be able to communicate with Australia and New Zealand respectively. (3.) The exact sites for the stations to be determined upon between the respective Governments and the successful contractor; but to be not too distant —say, ten miles or thereabouts—from an existing telegraph-line. (4.) Buildings: The contractor to supply the buildings, which should be substantial and well built of wood and iron, required for accommodating the power plant and apparatus generally and for offices. (5.) Masts or Towers: These to be supplied by the contractor, and to be strong, durable, and, in the case of the masts, suitably guyed. They should be capable of withstanding a wind-velocity of ninety miles an hour, with a factor of safety of at least two. (6.) The installations to be capable of working satisfactorily both day and night. (7.) It will be absolutely necessary that the installations shall be fitted to communicate with any of His Majesty's ships of war provided with wireless-telegraph apparatus, and be in accordance with Admiralty requirements. (8.) The installations to be worked and maintained for the Governments by the contractor at his own expense for a period of three months after having notified the Governments that all of the stations are complete, exchanging communications, and in good working-order. If at the termination of this period of three months everything be found satisfactory, the installations, after being inspected and passed by the respective Governments, shall be taken over from the contractor. (9.) The Governments may take over the installations at any time after receiving notification of the completion referred to without waiting for the expiration of the three months. (10.) If, on the expiry of the period of three months, the installations after inspection by the Governments are considered not to be satisfactory, a penalty of £ per day will be imposed for every day during which the installations remain unsatisfactory. (11.) All materials, masts, or towers, and equipment generally shall be the best of their kind. The apparatus shall be of the latest and most approved type. (12.) Full and complete specifications, with plans, of the buildings, masts or towers, apparatus, and equipment shall be furnished with the tender. (13.) The tenderer shall give a complete schedule showing separately the cost of buildings, masts or towers, apparatus, and other classes of equipment. (14.) Tenderer to state the period of time from the date of acceptance of lender within which the installations will be completed, and shall name the speed of transmission that will be guaranteed to be maintained. (15.) The contractor shall instruct at his own csost the officers of the Government fully in all the technicalities and other requirements of the system for three months after notification of the completion of all the installations, and for a further period if such be found necessary. Tenderer to state the cost per month for any further period of instruction necessary. '(16.) Arrangements shall be made at each station to enable the stations to communicate with ships fitted with any description of wireless-telegraph apparatus. (17.) Every tender shall be accompanied with a marked cheque to the value of per cent, of the amount of tender, to be held as a deposit. The successful tenderer's deposit will be retained, without bearing interest, until the works have been begun. (18.) Payment to be made when the whole of the work is completed to the satisfaction of the Governments concerned. (19.) All dutiable materials that will be used in the installations or in connection with their erection that may have to be imported to be landed duty-free. General Post Office, Wellington, 15th September, 1906.