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Enclosure 7 in No. 19. The GENERAL Manager, Pacific Cable Board, to the Superintendent, Pacific Cable Station, South port. (Telegram.) Norfolk Island [undated]. Youii 101. I think Brisbane proportions are correct and in accordance with Convention. Taking Pacific charge both for international and intercolonial as twopence from Norfolk to Southport or to Doubtless Bay, we get normal rate international Norfolk-Australia as sevenpence, Norfolk-New Zealand as threepence. Intercolonial rate to both Australia and New Zealand threepence. It is these normal rates which have to be divided during the first twenty-four hours in the proportions suggested by Brisbane. For the transit between Norfolk and Bamfield Pacific Cable Board charges therefore seventeen pence on Australian messages and twenty-one pence on New Zealand messages. Explain this carefully Brisbane and send Milward copy.

Enclosure 8 in No. 19. The General Manager, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the Chief Electrician, Sydney. The Pacific Cable Board, Queen Anne's Chambers, Tothill Street, Westminster, Sib,— London, S.W., Bth January, 1907. Your letter dated 4th December [not enclosed]. I am pleased to hear that you diverted traffic via La Perouse and Doubtless Bay during the five hours of interruption of the Australian land-lines on the 3rd December. The adjustment of the charges was, I presume, carried out in accordance with my telegram to Mr. Judd from Norfolk Island in August last, a copy of which [ told him to send you. The interruption having been for less than twenty-four hours, our loss was inappreciable. I send you copies of the telegrams, &c, which passed between Mr. Judd and myself and the Commonwealth Government, in case you have not got them for record. Had the interruption lasted for more than twenty-four hours we should still have accepted traffic at ordinary rates from the public, but we should have had to pay the Australian Government sd. terminal, the Extension Company 3d., and the New Zealand Government Id., reducing our share to Is. 3d. I am, &c, C. H. Reynolds, General Manager. J. Milward, Esq., Chief Electrician, Sydney, N.S.W.

No. 20. The Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney, to the Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Commonwealth of Australia, Postmaster-General's Department, General Post Office, Sir,— Sydney, Bth April, 1907. In connection with the diversion, on the 2nd August, 1905, of a number of international and Fijian cablegrams from Pacific to Extension, I have the honour to intimate that your Government was credited Id. per word on 369 words from international, and Id. per word on forty-two words from Fiji, whereas the pro rata proportion only should have been allowed. The Pacific Cable Board now requests that the charges on this " diverted " traffic be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Convention Regulation LXXVI, paragraph 5, and I shall be glad if you will be good enough to cause the amounts overallowed in the settlement of accounts for August,' 1905, to be recredited to the Department in this State. The following are the particulars of the amounts cre-dited in excess: —

I have, &c, E. J. Young, Deputy Postmaster-General. The Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. fP.C. Diversion, 07/21.]

No. 21. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Melbourne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company (Limited), Sin,- Melbourne, 26th April, 1907. I have the honour to inform you that I have received several letters from our Superintendent at Nelson inquiring as to ihe charge to be made for the transit over the company's New


Class. Xumbrr of Words. Amount crij<inftl)y frrditfd. Pro rata Fropf rtions. A mount to be recrcditrd. 'nteniational Fijian 369 42 411 £ p. d. 1 10 9 0 3 6 1 14 3 £ s. 0 8 0 1 d. Alt 4 tt5 6 £ 1 0 s. 2 2 d. 0 0 9 10A L 4 4A