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must respectfully beg to differ with him on this point, as the normal route is always recognised to be the most direct one, which "via Eastern" is for the above-mentioned countries, also for South Africa, &c.; therefore cablegrams from New Zealand to those countries should traverse that route ("via Eastern ") the whole way. I shall, however, ask our Head Office to obtain the Berne Bureau's opinion in the matter. I have, &c, W. Warren, Manager in Australasia. W. Gray, Esq., Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. lE.E. Rates 06/57.]

No. 18. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Melbourne. Si Kj '_: General Post Office, Wellington, 25th October, 1906. 1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th instant, again expressing the opinion that messages from this colony to China, India, and Japan should be sent over your company's cable all the way, and stating your intention to have the matter referred to the International Bureau at Berne. I h av e, &c, W. Gray, Secretary. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company (Limited), Melbourne.

No. 19. The Supebintendent, Pacific Cable Station, Doubtless Bay, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. g IR _ • ■ ■ - , - Pacific Cable Station, Doubtless Bay, 18th March, 1907. The General Manager, Pacific Cable Board, London, has instructed me to forward you copies of the attached correspondence in respect 6f the allocation of charges on diverted traffic south of Norfolk Island. There is a reference to my communication dated the 12th August, 1905; this letter embraced our telegraphic correspondence dated the 2nd to 12th August, 1905 [not printed]. ■ • • ■ ■ I am, &c, ' . C. L. Hertslet, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. . . Superintendent. [P.C. Diversion 07/17 A.] , " '

Enclosure 1 in No. 19. The General Manager, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the Superintendent, Pacific Cable Station, Doubtless Bay. The Pacific Cable Board, Queen Anne's Chambers, -Tothill Street, Westminster, SIR _ London, S.W., 28th January, 1907. Your letter dated 4th December [not enclosed]. I send for your information copies of correspondence that has passed between Mr. Judd, myself, and the Commonwealth Government in respect .to the allocation of charges of diverted traffic south of Norfolk Island, also copy ot my letter, dated Bth January, to Mr. Milward. .... V-.iv.ri' !•' You will notice that interruptions for the first twenty-four hours are, under the Convention, treated differently from interruptions lasting above twenty-four hours, lou will also see how the Commonwealth decided to deal with the cases under twenty-four hours." For messages diverted when the interruption lasts for more than tweniy-fpur hours, I refer you to your letter to me dated 12th August, 1905 [not enclosed]. In such cases the Board bears the loss consequent on the payment of the full charges to the Australian and New Zealand Governments and the Eastern Company's cable, in order to prevent the route via Pacific and Eastern Extension Cabkv La Perouse-Wakapuaka, being more expensive than the normal route It is important that the New Zealand Government should understand the case, and I shall be glad, if you will communicate the ™™ t0 them - l am ' & C. H. R™ D s, General Manager. C. L. Hertslet, Esq., Superintendent, Pacific Cable Station, Doubtless Bay.

Enclosure 2 in No. 19. The General Manager, Pacific Cable Board (at Melbourne), to the Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne. «,_'-■ - • The Pacific Cable Board, Melbourne, 18th July, 1906. ' I have the honour to invite your attention to paragraph 2 of your letter dated 29th March, 1905 Tnot enclosed], my letters dated 20th June, 1905 [not enclosed], and 28th November, 1905 [not enclosed], respectively, to the latter of which I have had no reply.