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The Commonwealth Office, in proposing that the adjustment of the accounts for the sea transit of mail-matter between the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia by P. and 0. and Orient packets should be based on statistics to be taken during that period made no specific reference to New Zealand mails, but the Melbourne office was requested by telegram to arrange for their inclusion in the returns. The Secretary of the Commonwealth Post Office has no doubt since communicated with you in the matter, and if you agree to accept such statistics as a basis of settlement, I am to request that you will'be good enough to furnish this Department with a statement showing the weight of New Zealand mails despatched in closed bags during the period in question for conveyance by P. and 0. packets to destinations other than the United Kingdom. Statements G, showing the weights of mails received in this country having been conveyed by P. and 0. packets, will be forwarded to Wellington for your acceptance in -due course. I am, &c, H. Davies, for Comptroller and Accountant-General. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. [Suez Conn. 06/46.]

No. 148. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Comptroller and Accountant-General, General Post Office, London. g lß> _ General Post Office, Wellington, 29th August, 1906. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th ultimo, stating that your office proposed to recover the charges due to the United Kingdom on account of the sea transit of New Zealand mail-matter sent by P. and 0. packets since the Ist February, 1905, on the basis of special statistics taken in respect of mails despatched during the period from the Ist to the 28th As pointed out in the accompanying copy of my letters of the 7th June and 17th instant [Nob. 93 and 94, F.-6a, 1906] to the Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne, owing to the temporary stoppage of the San Francisco mail-service, and to the fact that no mail from this colony was despatched by that route in June, the statistics of that month, if taken to form the basis of payments for correspondence conveyed by Federal service, would be unfavourable to New Zealand. Statistics, statement of which is sent herewith [not printed], were, therefore, taken for the first twenty-eight days of July as well, during which period the correspondence had reverted to the usual channels. Statistics of correspondence for places beyond the United Kingdom taken for a like period are also attached, and I have to request that you will be so good as to base the accounts, so far as New Zealand mail-matter is concerned, on the statistics for that period. I have, &c, Thomas Rose, for the Postmaster-General. The Comptroller and Accountant-General, General Post Office, London. [Suez Conn. 08/47.]

No. 149. The Secretary, Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington, to the Hon. the PostmasterGeneral. SIR> _ Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington, 17th September, 1906. 1 have the honour, by direction, to ask you to be good enough to arrange to receive a deputation from this Chamber on the subject of improving the mail facilities between New Zealand and the United Kingdom. I have, &c. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. S. Cakroll, Secretary. [Suez_Conn. 06/49.)

No. 150. The Seckbtary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Wellington. SlB( . General Post Office, Wellington, 25th September, 1906. I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant, asking the Postmaster-General to receive a deputation from your Chamber on the subject of improving the mail facilities between New Zealand and the United Kingdom. In reply, I am to inform you that the Minister will be pleased to receive the deputation at his office, at Parliament Buildings, at 11 a.m. on Monday, the Ist proximo. [Deputation postponed till the 15th October.] I have, &c, W. Gray, Secretary. The Secretary, Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington, [Suez Conn. 06/50.]