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No. 108. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Chief Postmasters (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st February, 1907. There will be no steamer from Auckland for San Francisco until 15th March. In meantime make every use of opportunities via Suez. [S.F. Agr. 07/30.1

No. 109. The Hon. the Acting Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Hon. the Pkime Minister of New Zealand (at Colombo). (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st February, 1907. No improvement Frisco. "Ventura" eight days late from Frisco. Her condition so bad Spreckels withdrawn her for thorough repair Sydney, and cancelled her sailing this month. No outward mail now until fifteenth March. Public not tolerate another break in service. Company should provide substitute vessel at once. Unless they do, think we should stop sending English mails until steamers able keep time. Cable your views. [S.F. Agr. 07/28.]

No. 110. The Hon. the Prime Minister of New Zealand (at Colombo) to the Hon. the Acting PostmasterGeneral, Wellington. (Telegram). Colombo, 22nd February, 1907. Unless substitute provided better stop sending Frisco till service put proper footing. [S.F. Agr. 07/51.]

No. 111. The Hon. the Actings Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. (Telegram ) Wellington, 22nd February, 1907. No Frisco mail from New Zealand to-day, as "Ventura" in such bad state repair. Spreckels decided withdraw her for thorough repair, and cancel her sailing from New Zealand this_ month. There will therefore be no steamer from Frisco on March twenty-first. Request Imperial Post Office to forward London mails for New Zealand by Brindisi mail of eighth March. Will telegraph more fully later. [S.F. Agr. 07/36.] __________— —

No. 112. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Branch Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company (at Dunedin). (Telegram.) Wellington, 22nd February, 1907. " Ventura's " withdrawal. Unless substitute vessel provided English mails will not be sent by Frisco steamers until service put on proper footing, and it is shown that steamers able keep timetable dates. [S.F Agr.J)7/51.] ___________^—— ——

No. 113. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco. (Teleo-ram.) Wellington, 23rd February, 1907. "Ventura" is'not yet ready to sail indefinitely. No mail sent yesterday. By the first opportunity Auckland, 15th day of March. London mail, 9th day of March, will be sent Brindisi. [S.F. Agr. 07/38.]

No 114. The Mail Agent, R.M.S. " Sierra," to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) ' Auckland, 2nd March, 1907. The RMS. " Sierra "left Auckland on 12th January, at 4.8 a.m. . . . Owing to the bursting of a steam-pipe on the 7th February, the " Sierra " did not leave San Francisco until 11.43 p.m.— over nine hours late. . . . Arrived Pago Pago on 22nd, remained two days in port effecting repairs to machinery and boilers. . . . On the outward voyage the steering-gear and the fans