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During the year the term of office as Governors of Mr. T. H. Bannehr, Mr. W. N. Franklyn, and Mr. F. H. Eichmond expired. All of these gentlemen were reappointed. The Staff. — Boys' College: Mr. F. Milner, M.A., first assistant master, was appointed during the year to the important position of Rector of the Waitaki Boys' High School. Mr. Milner has been on the staff of the College for several years, and the great interest which he has taken in the pupils and in the conduct of the College magazine, the Nelsonian, causes the Governors to regret that his services are lost to the College, while they are pleased at his advancement. Mr. M. K. McCulloch, M.A., and Mr. D. S. Chisolm, M.A., also left to join the Waitaki Boys' High School. Mr. B. H. Severne, 8.A., received an appointment in Auckland Grammar School. The vacancies caused by these resignations have been filled by the appointment of Mr. W. H. Moyes, M.A. (an old College boy), Mr. J. G. McKay, 8.A.. and Mr. J. H. Wills. Girls' College: Miss M. Pickmere, M.A., and Miss H. Jenkins, 8.A., left during the year, their places being filled by the appointment of Miss I. Robertson, M.A., and Miss M. M. Strang, M.A. Boys' College. The classes were carried on during the year in the same temporary class-rooms as in the previous year. The attendance was well maintained, and the examination results were satisfactory. A. Sandel and L. Jennings gained Junior University Scholarships, the former heading the list for the colony. J. Ogg won a Senior National Scholarship. Twelve boys passed the Matriculation Examination, all with one exception passing also the Medical Preliminary or the Solicitors' General Knowledge Examination. Thirty-three passed the Junior Civil Service Examination, most of them thus qualifying for senior free places. Two passed the Senior Civil Service Examination. The average number of free pupils (senior and junior) for the year was 108. The average number of boarders was 56. The junior department made very satisfactory progress during the year. The College pupils are eligible for free tuition, subject to regulations, upon gaining a Sixth Standard certificate of proficiency. Girls' College. The first year of Miss Lorimer's occupancy of the position of Lady Principal produced a gratifying increase in the numbers both of ordinary pupils and of boarders, the average attendance for the year being 153, of whom 34 were boarders. The number of boarders for the three terms was respectively 31, 34, and 36. The number of free pupils (senior and junior) was 84. The public examinations resulted as follows : Connie Palmer and Quinice Cowles passed the first section of the B.A. degree; Gladys Everett and Ella Garland passed the examination for first year's terms. Seven girls matriculated; 8 passed the Junior Civil Service Examination, 5 with credit; and 13 obtained continuation (senior free places). In the preparatory department, 11 girls gained certificates of competency, thus qualifying for admission to the upper school. The pupils have also had opportunities of learning cookery, shorthand, gymnastics, swimming, and dressmaking, in addition to the ordinary school course. Recitals by the music pupils were given from time to time in the School of Music. Average Attendances for 1906. —Boys' College, 187 ; Girls' College, 153. 2. WOEK OF THE HIGHEST AND LOWEST CLASSES. Highest. — Boys' College : English —As for Junior Scholarships and University terms: King Lear, the Tempest ; the Age of Elizabeth ; Romola; selections from Tennyson and Emerson ; Nesfield's English Past and Present; Skeat's Primer of English Etymology ; Sweet's AngloSaxon Primer ; Morris and Skeat's Specimens. Latin—Cicero, Select Orations (King) ; Tristia, I; iEneid, VI; Livy, VIII; Bryan's Latin Prose; Bradley's Arnold and Aids to Latin Prose; Horton's Roman History. French—Half-hours with Modern Authors; and selections, Wellington College French Grammar; Blouet's Composition; Clapin's Primer of Philology. German —W'hitney's Reader; Fassnacht's German Composition ; Eve's German Grammar; Minna yon Barnhelm; Lubovins' German Philology. Mathematics — Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, to scholarship standard. Science —Chemistry, mechanics, heat, to same standard. Girls' College : As for first and second year's terms at Victoria College and Junior University Scholarship. English—King Lear, the Tempest, Shakespeare ; Romola, George Eliot; Longer English Poems, Hales ; Age of Shakespeare, Seccombe and Allen; Primer on Shakespeare, Dowden ; Composition, Nicholl; Historical English and Derivation, Nesfield; Anglo-Saxon Primer, Sweet; Specimens of Early English, Morris and Skeat. French—Wellington College French Grammar; Bossuet's Oraisons Funebres; Andromaque, Athalie, Racine; Primary French Course (first term), Siepmann ; Rapid French Exercises, Victor Spiers. Latin— Arnold's Latin Prose Composition, Aids to Latin Prose, Bradley; vEneid, Book VI, Virgil; Book VIII, Livy; Elementary Latin Grammar, Allen; Latin Grammar, Roby ; Outlines of Roman History, Pelham ; Primer on Roman Antiquities, Wilkins. German—Public School German Grammar, Meissner; Wilhelm Tell, Schiller. Mathematics—Algebra, Hall and Knight, Briggs and Bryan; geometry, Baker and Bourne ; trigonometry, Locke. Lowest.—Boys' College: English—Reading, composition, &c, as prescribed for Standard VI. History —Southern Cross Historical Reader I. Geography—lmperial Geography, Standards V and VI, and Mathematical, as for Standard VI. Drawing—Freehand, copybooks. Arithmetic—As for Standard VI. Algebra—Hall and Knight's, for Beginners. Science—Elementary Practical Physics (Gregory's Exercise-book). Latin—Elementa Latina, Scalae Primse. French—Hogben's Methode Naturelle. Commercial book-keeping and commercial correspondence. Girls' College : Form IVb : English—The Heroes, Kingsley; Quentin Durward, Sir W. Scott; Evangeline, Longfellow; Word-building; Manual of English Grammar, Nesfield; English History, Tout. Geography (New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and the British possessions in America)— Longmans, Book 111. Physical geography. Physiology—Murche. French—Cran's First Course. Arithmetic (as for Standards VI and VII) —Pendlebury. Form IVa have used in addition—First