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James Gammack Trust (Public Library). Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ a. A. Public Library maintenance, transfer of un- Balance .. .. .. .. 24 0 0 expended balanoe .. .. .. 24 0 0 £24 0 0 £24 0 0 Balanoe, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £24 0 0 Medical School Eeserves Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 4,050 11 1 Contribution towards salary of Professor of Rent of reserves .. .. .. 440 5 9 Biology .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 160 10 5 Contribution towards expenses of Registrar's offioe .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Grant to biologioal laboratory for greenhouse .. .. 50 0 0 Inspection of reserves .. .. .. 8 13 6 Sundries .. .. .. .. 0 18 6 ( Balanoe .. .. .. .. 4,181 15 3 £4,651 7 3 I £4,651 7 3 — == Balance, Ist January, 1907 .. ..£4,18115 3 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Science Capital Account. Receipts. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balanoe, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 18,941 8 4 Balance, 31st Deoember, 1906 .. ..18,941 8 4 Balance, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £18,941 8 4 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Science Endowment Account. Receipts. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ s d. Balance, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 971 17 2 Contributions toRent of reserves .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Museum .. .. .. .. 1,225 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 721 0 10 Publio Library .. .. .. 600 0 0 School of Art .. .. .. 500 0 0 School of Engineering, Eleotrioity, and Technical Soience .. .. .. 800 0 0 Inspection of reserves .. .. .. 20 4 9 Sundries .. .. .. .. 13 9 Balance .. .. .. .. 646 9 6 £3,792 18 0 £3,792 18 0 Balanoe, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £646 9 6 Museum Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 151 2 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. 820 0 0 Contribution from Museum, Library, and Insurance .. .. .. .. 53 15 3 School of Technical Science Endowment 1,225 0 0 Contribution towards expenses of Regis Sale of guide books .. .. .. 416 0 trar's office .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Sale of gold specimens .. .. .. 30 17 2 Repairs .. .. .. .. 14 0 Sale of duplicate specimens .. .. 15 0 Legal expenses .. ".. .. 2 7 0 Guide-book Sinking Fund — Transfer of Cases, fittings, &c. .. .. .. 19 17 3 Balance .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Taxidermist's requisites .. .. 13 7 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 612 6 Books and binding .. .. .. 911 9 Balance .. .. .. .. 64 15 2 Purchase of specimens .. .. .. 4 14 6 Freight and oharges .. .. .. 9 5 8 Fuel .. .. .. .. 2 16 0 General expenses, viz.— Printing and stationery .. .. 4 0 9 Curator's petty cash .. .. .. 10 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2 4 11 Priming new guide-book .. .. 90 17 0 Outfit for printing press .. .. 15 3 3 Passage-money of Curator .. .. 40 0 0 Repairs to roof and skylights, relaying sewer drain, &o. .. .. .. 394 16 10 Advertising position of Curator .. .. 10 6 11 £1,534 8 3 £1,534 8 3 Balance, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £64 15 2 Museum Guide-book Sinking Fund. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ e. A. Balance, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 50 0 0 Museum Maintenance transfer .. .. 50 0 0

3—E. 8.