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Boys' High School Preparatory Department. Receiots. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 8 6 10 Master's salary ' .. .. .. 148 10 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 148 10 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 112 6 Balance .. .. .. .. 6 14 4 £156 16 10 £156 16 10 Balance, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £6 14 4 i " '■" ■" . Classical School Capital Account. Receipts. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ ». d. Balance, Ist January, 1906 * .. .. 557 7 1 Balance—3lst Deoerabor, 1906 .. .. 557 7 1 Balance, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £557 7 1 Superior Education Capital Account. Receipts. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balanoe, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 224 5 4 Balance, 31st December, 1906 .. .. 224 5 4 Balanoe, Ist January, 1907 .. .. £224 5 4 College Maintenance Account. Receipts. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balanoe, Ist January, 1906 .. .. 460 19 2 Salaries .. .. .. ..7,284 14 10 Rents of reserves— Insuranoe .. .. .. .. 60 2 9 Classical School reserves— Rates .. .. .. .. 19 3 2 Outstanding from 1905 .. .. 370 1 5 Exhibitions .. .. .. .. 140 0 0 Rents due in 1906 .. .. .. 5,197 2 8 Contributions to Sohool of Engineering Town reserves .. .. .. 288 0 0 and Technical Science — Superior education reserves (runs) .. 2,210 0 0 For Maintenance .. .. .. 550 0 0 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,148 6 0 Exhibitions .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Sales of calendars .. .. .. 5 4 1 Share of salary and expenses of electriChemioal laboratory—fees for chemicals, cal laboratory .. .. .. 300 0 0 breakages, and use of apparatus .. 115 0 Books for College library .. .. 103 17 9 _~,,. , , . , _ . _ Expenses of musio leotureß .. .. 16 15 9 Contributions towards salaries of Registrar Repairs 27 4 4 and staff and office expenses- Inspecting reserves '.'. '.'. '.'. 142 10 2 From Public Library .. .. » Advertising reserves 16 10 3 " ?T, 5' g u o C u°° - - - - ™ a a Interest on £5,834, at 4 per cent. (Loan . Girls'High School .. .. 60 0 0 Aocount) .. .. * .... 233 0 0 . School of Art 40 0 0 Fael _ ' 30 g „ Museum .. .. .. 30 0 0 Gag 75 4 n „ Medical School reserves.. .. 10 0 0 Prjnfci ; g) stat ionery, &o'." '.'. '.'. 172 12 2 School of Engineering .. .. 60 0 0 Adver[i | mg ._ 26 17 6 Rent of College lodge . .. .. f9 13 4 Pim __ ture , fittings, &c 38 1111 Hire of chairs m College hall .. 19 0 0 Washing and olea ning 12 1 5 Payment for gas used in College hall .. 110 0 r ,e| s 9 ! 7 Rent of building (Sohool of Engineering) .. 193 18 4 Keeping grounds in order .. .. 20 7 7 Contribution from Medical School reserves General expenses towards salary of Professor of Biology 400 0 0 Subscriptions to gazettes, newspapers, Grant from Medical School Reserves for &c 7 15 6 Greenhouse for Biological Laboratory .. 50 0 0 Telephone subscription '.'. '.'. 80 0 Share of examination fees (Associated Attending to clocks .. .. .'. 33 0 Board of RA.M and ROM.) .. 74 3 9 Por ter's uniform 2 4 0 Rent of seotions in Hereford Street .. 0 0 Hire o{ bab|eB for examination .. 919 11 Interest .. .. .. .. bi li 1 Khodes Scholarship expenses .. .. 614 6 Fees for popular lectures .. 4b 2 3 Bank charges, exchange, telegrams, &c. 811 3 Testing fee (Chemical Laboratory) .. 3 3 0 Sundries 10 410 Sale of old timber 04 0 Microscope for geology lectures !'. '.'. 30 11 3 Student's fine.. .. .. .. 0 2b ~ Astronomical Observatory— Honorarium (Dr. Farr) .. .. 50 0 0 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 6 11 6 Canterbury Agricultural College— Interest on £4,000 at 5 per cent. .. 200 0 0 Further payment off Supreme Court award .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 ; Drain-pipes for Reserves 737 and 738 .. 80 12 6 Drainage-works on Reserves 737 and 738 .. 74 6 6 Expenses of election of Governors .. 16 15 8 Expenses of music examinations of Associated Board .. .. .. .. 37 8 7 Interest on purohase-money, Hereford Street sections .. .. .. 80 0 0 j Prizes for honours students .. .. 36 15 0 Expenses connected with endowments .. 21 4 4 ! Painting exterior of buildings .. .. 98 0 6 Expenses of popular lectures .. .. 77 6 2 Subsidy to college boardinghouse .. 25 0 0 Chemical laboratory— Insurance .. .. .. .. 12 14 2 Gas.. .. .. .. .. 23 15 5 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 617 11 Repairs to apparatus .. .. .. 1 18 3 Chemicals and apparatus .. .. 135 6 3 Carried forward .. £12,001 8 1 Carried forward .. £10,870 16 10