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(b.) A " model school," organized as an ordinary public school under one sole teacher, or as a side school with 35 to 40 children in average attendance: (c.) Secondary classes, worked under the same conditions as to admission and programme of work as the secondary classes of a district high school, but with an average attendance not in general exceeding 40. These classes shall be considered to be part of the main school referred to in subclause (a) hereof. 4. The organization of the normal school and the salaries of the staff shall be approved by the Minister of Education; but in no case shall the salaries be less than those payable under "The Education Act Amendment Act, 1904," and regulations thereunder. 5. In addition to the staff of the normal school there shall be a principal of the training college, and such other lecturers or instructors as the Minister may from time to time approve. The principal shall be appointed by the Board, subject to the approval of the Minister. 6. Every training college shall be open at all times to — (1.) Any member of the Board or of the Committee of Advice; (2.) Any Inspector of Schools employed by an Education Board in the university district; (3.) The Inspector-General of Schools or any other Inspector of the Education Department. Entrances to Training Colleges and Allowances to Students. 7. In regard to admission to any training college, no distinction shall be made between applicants residing within the education district in which such training college is situated and applicants residing outside such district. 8. Students may be admitted under Division A or under Division B : — Division A (ex-Pupil-teachers). To be admitted under Division A a student must satisfy all of the following conditions, viz. : he must — (a.) Have completed the pupil-teacher course in some education district of the colony to the satisfaction of the Education Board of that district: (b.) Have passed the Matriculation Examination of the University of New Zealand; or have gained a partial pass for Class D, and have not failed in the subjects of reading, English, and arithmetic: (c.) Give satisfactory evidence of his ability to teach, as by a certificate to that effect signed by an Inspector of Schools: (d.) Give satisfactory evidence as to [health and] character; and produce a satisfactory certificate of health from a medical officer approved by the Board: (c.) Make a declaration of his intention to become a teacher in a public or a secondary school in the colony, and [if so required] enter by his parent or guardian into a bond to return the amount paid in allowances in case he should fail to complete two years of such teaching. The bond shall be on the form supplied by the Department. [Subclause (b) hereof may, until the 31st December, 1906, be modified, with the appioval previously obtained of the Minister of Education.] The allowances payable to a student under Division A shall be £30 a year, together with the fees of the university college classes attended by the student with the approval of the principal, with the further addition of £30 a year in the case of any student who is obliged to live away from home to attend a training college. Division B. To be admitted under Division B a student must satisfy all of the following conditions, (a), (h), (c), viz. : he must — (a.) (i.) Have passed the first section of his B.A. or B.Sc. degree; or (ii.) Have gained credit at the University Junior Scholarship Examination ; or (iii.) Have kept terms for at least one year at a university college; or (iv.) Being not less than seventeen years of age, have passed the Matriculation Examination of the University of New Zealand : (&.) Comply within six months of the date of admission with such conditions as to probation in teaching as the principal of the training college, with the approval of the Board, may require: (c.) Satisfy conditions (d) and (c) as for students under Division A. The allowances payable to a student under Division B shall be £10 a year, together with th« fees of the university college classes attended by the student with the approval of the principal. Further, in each training college there may be allotted in each year not more than four boarding-scholarships to students entering under Division B who are obliged to live away from home to attend a training college. These shall be allotted in order—first, to those qualified under subclause (a) (i) hereof : secondly, to those qualified under subclause (a) (ii) hereof; thirdly, to those qualified under subclause (a) (iii) hereof; and, fourthly, to those qualified under subclause (a) (iv) hereof; and, if necessary, an examination may be held to determine to which candidates scholarships shall be allotted. Each of these scholarships shall be of the annual value of £30 a year, in addition to the allowances named above. The scholarships shall not be tenable with any other scholarships or exhibitions. 9. None of the allowances or scholarships named in clause 8 hereof shall be payable in the case of any student for a greater period than two years, but in special cases, with the approval of the Minister, the allowances or scholarships may be paid for a third year.