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ground of holding simply some University standing under one or other of the different headings specified in the regulations. The following table shows the classification in detail: —

Table A.—Number and Classification of Students in Attendance at each Training College, December. 1906.*

In substantial accordance with the principles on which the colleges are constituted, the instruction and training of students in teaching-methods and in certain special subjects of professional practice, including elementary school science and manual occupations of various forms, are commonly provided for in the normal school arrangements with or without some special- tutorial assistance or the assistance of some special institution within reach, while in subjects of general education reliance is mainly placed on attendance at University college classes. The University classes taken in the centres vary considerably both in number and character. The range is greatest in Christchurch. where during the year eighteen different classes were attended by students, and narrowest in Auckland, where there were seven classes at which an attendance was made. In Dunedin and Wellington the range was eleven and ten respectively. In Auckland the average number of such classes, inclusive of "English" and "education," was 4, in Christchurch (exclusive of music, which is elsewhere differently provided for) 39, in Dunedin l - 8, and in Wellington 23. The average for the four colleges was 3. English, it may be noted, is an obligatory subject of the course, though it may be taken in either year, and "education " is also essential in all cases where one of the objects aimed at is a certificate not lower than that of Class C. Besides the classes in these subjects, in which naturally the attendance was highest, the classes taken by the largest proportion of the students were mathematics, Latin, and biology. Table B below shows the distribution among the subjects where the total number of attendants was not less than twenty: By one or more students in all, with a maximum of seven, University classes in German, physics, economics, history, mechanics, jurisprudence, and geology were also taken in the order of a decreasing progression. From the returns so far received for the current year the same subjects prove the most popular, though in some cases considerable differences appear, the average number of subjects for each student being—Auckland 23, Christchurch 37, Dunedin 2, and Wellington 2"9, with a general average of 3 as before.

TABLE B. —Number of Students attending University Classes in the Chief Subjects, 1906.

In the concluding table (Table C) is given a comparative statement of the expenditure in connection with the training colleges during 1906.

TABLE C.—Expenditure during 1906 on Training Colleges.

W. J. Anderson, For Inspector-General of Schools,

Division A. Division B. M. F. »(»). «(ii). M. F. a(iii). M. F. a(iv). Toi tal. F. M. F. Total. M. ! F. M. F. M. Auokland Wellington Christohureh Dunedin Totals .. , 9 14 7 j 27 15 34 8 46 89 121 1 1 1 6 3 4 1 1 2 1 4 3 1 3 4 •■ i 2 3 3 6 .. i 10 3 21 a 2 2 5 9 12 12 13 ' 17 17 ! 10 19 39 47 63 28 51 64 73 8 9 47 48 168 216 2 14 4 'Notes. —" a(\) " as having passed t it the University Junior Scholarship J niversity college ; " a(iv) " as having ie first Sxarnii passed section of lation ; " the Matric the B.A. or B.So. degree; " a(ii) " as having g a(iii)" as having kept terms for at least oni iulation Examination of the University. lined iredit at a year

Training College. KDgltoh. I »~ ™£ Latin. Bio,,, gy . ". ( «*-*" Music. | French. [ luokland Vellington Jhristohuroh )unedin 27 36 47 37 28 10 42 27 26 6 41 1 4 11 28 28 1 34 27 5 8 26 25 4 5 1 32 2 6 12 5 20

1 Salaries of Staffs (including Normal and Model Schools). Allowances to Students. Total. Ordinary. Lodging. University Pees Total. Luckland Vellington 'hiistchuroh )unedin £ 2,601 2,773 2,826 2,832 £ 735 1,183 1,622 1,815 £ 450 1,093 1,038 1,175* £ 224 348 835 488 £ 1,409 2,624 3,495 3,478 £ 4,010 5,397 6,321 6,310 Totals 11 ,-032 5,355 3,756 1,895 11,006 22,038 • Includes £5 pi lid for railwa fare of student in lieu of lodging-allo . ance.