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G—2. WEST COAST SETTLEMENT RESERVES AND OTHER NATIVE RESERVES VESTED IN THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE—Return of, with full Particulars thereof, together with Lists of Beneficiaries and their Interests. G—2a. ESTATES OF MAORIS ADMINISTERED BY THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE the Beneficiaries of which are unknown. G—3. LANDS PURCHASED AND LEASED FROM NATIVES IN NORTH ISLAND. G.—3a. MAORI LAND PURCHASE OPERATIONS.—Report for 1906-7. G.—4. URIWERA DISTRICT NATIVE RESERVE—Reports of Commissioners on the. G.—4a. ■ Further Reports. G.—s. NATIVE LAND COURT AND NATIVE APPELLATE COURT—Decisions of, relative to Wills in favoui of Europeans and the Adoption and Succession of Children. G.—sa. NATIVE LAND COURT.—Judgment of the Chief Judge upon the Taumutu Native Commonage Reserve. G.—sb. Return showing Persons authorised to appear as Agents before the. G—6. NATIVE DEPARTMENT AND NATIVE LAND COURT—Salaries and Travelling-allowances drawn by Officers of the. G—7. " MAORI LAND SETTLEMENT ACT, 1905 "—Lands proposed to be dealt with under Section 8 of the. G.—B. EAST COAST NATIVE TRUST LANDS—Report, Balance-sheet, and Statement of Accounts of the. G—9. LANDLESS FAMILIES OF THE NGAITAHU TRIBE transferred from the Wairaurahiri to the Hokonui Block. G—lo. FISHING RESERVE NEAR MOTUNGARARA, SOUTHLAND—Particulars relative to Lease of.