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APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, ' and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total D t toffi of Completion. NOETH ISLAN D— continued. RANGITIKEI DISTRICT— continued. 1 Aug., 1906 1 1 I 1 .. 1 1 » 9 Oct., „ s. .'. .. Rangitikei Sawmill Assn. Taihape .. .. 500 totara 3 6 Taihape Railway-station .. 6 April, 1907 .. .. 5,000 „ 3 3 Utiku Railway-station .. 6 . ... .. Jas. Prime .. .. Utiku .. 500 „ 3 6 . .. 6 „ „ .. .. J. Torrey .. .. Ohutu .. 500 „ 3 6 „ .. 6 „ „ .. .. R. Campbell .. .. „ .. 500 . 3 6 . .. 6 . „ .. .. R. W. Smith .. .. Taihape .. 500 3 6 Bennett's Siding .. 6 „ .. .. R. A. Heise .. .. Ohingaiti .. .. 5,000 , 3 3 Mangaweka Railway-station 31 Dec, 1906 .. 500 500 500 500 500 615 9 Aug., 1906. 14 Sept., 1906. 21 Dec, 21 „ 12 Nov., . WELLINGTON DISTRICT. 22 Dec, 1906 8 Jan., 1907 15 „ .. W. B. Sharp .. .. Newcastle, N.S.W. .. 2,000 ironbark 6 0 C.I.F. Wellington .. .. 22 June, 1907 .. .. Richardson ana Blair .. Wellington.. .. 2,200 „ 21/9 per 100 ft. . .. .. 30 April, „ .. C.B.M. .. 10,000 blackbut 3 5 . .. .. 15 June, „ .. "87 5,299 SOUTH ISLAND. WESTPORT DISTRICT. 17 July, 1905 11 April, 1906 11 „ 20 „ 28 May, 28 „ 28 „ 28 28 . 28 „ 5 June, » 5 „ 5 „ 5 . 3 Dec, 18 Aug., 18 „ 18 . .. J. Hobbs .. ..IWestport .. ..I 500 yellow- 8 3 On railway truoks .. 14 Aug., 1905.. pine .. William Gibson .. Addison's .. .. 500 ditto .. 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 16 June, 1906 .. .. J. Hobbs .. .. Westport .. .. 500 „.. 33 On railway truoks .. 16 „ . ■ • | .. W. and J. Marris .. „ .. .. 500 ... 33 „ .. 31 May, . .. I .. William Pensom .. j Karamea .. .. 1,000 ... 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 1 Aug .. C.Lowe .. .. J . .. .. 1,000 „.. 35 . ...I*,,.. .. William Stuart .. . .. .. 1,000 „ .. 3 5 . „ ... 1 . . .. .. J. Hobbs .. .. Westport .. .. 1,000 ... 3 3 On railway trucks .. 31 „ „ .. ' .. William Kirby .. Karamea .. .. 500 „ .. | 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ ... .. William Gibson .. | Addison's .. .. 500 „ .. 3 5 . . .. 31 „ ... .. Tiller and Munro .. Cape Foul win a .. 600 ... 3 3 On railway trucks ..31 „ . ... .. William Gibson ... Addison's .. .. 500 „.. 35 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ „ .. .. W. ana J. Marris .. j Westport .. .. 800 ... 3 3 On railway trucks ..31 „ . .. .. P. Hawes .. .. | Karamea .. .. 600 ... 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ ... .. D. M. Aaam .. .. Westport .. .. 500 „ .. 3 3 On railway truoks .. J. Hobbs .. .. „ .. .. 1,000 ,,..3 3 „ .. 31 Dec, 1906 .. ! .. Four-mile Sawmilling Co. Charleston .. .. 1,000 „ .. 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ , .. .. William Gibson .. Addison's .. .. | 1,000 „ .. 3 5 „ ... 31 „ ... 500 498 497 483 697 383 1,000 1,000 500 500 483 136 475 651 97 1,000 1,000 286 10 Aug., 1906. 25 April, . 6 June, „ 2 Nov., 10 „ 20 Sept., 1906. 21 July, 14 Nov., . 19 Dec, Cancelled. 5 Jan., 1907. 21 Dec, 1906. 6 „ 6 Nov., . Cancelled.