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down grade towards Beaumont. Formation-works on this part of the line are therefore not being proceeded with at present, pending a careful personal examination of the country by the Engineer-in-Cbief, which will take place shortly after the close of the session of Parliament. The expenditure on the line last year amounted to £15,959, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Gore-Waikaka. The construction of this railway was authorised by " The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905," the Gore-Waikaka Railway Finance Company having offered to take up debentures to the amount of £50,000 for the purpose of defraying the cost. The company did not, however, actually provide the money until April last, and the survey of the line was at once put in hand, and constructionworks speedily followed. The formation is of so easy a character that it will probably all be finished in a few months, and rail-laying is about to be begun. No vote for this line appears on the estimates, however, as the authorising Act established a special account against which all expenditure is charged. C ATLIN' S- WAIMAH AKA. The bridge over the Catlin's River is completed, the formation is finished to Houipapa Station, and the rails are laid to the same point. A quarry has been opened up, a stone-crushing plant installed for the purpose of providing good rock ballast, and a commencement made with the ballasting of the line. Formation-work is also in hand beyond Houipapa for a distance of nearly two miles. At the Waimahaka end of the line the heavier portion of the work is well in hand and proceeding steadily. Last year's expenditure on the railway amounted to £18,145, but it is proposed to shortly increase the number of men employed and to accelerate the rate of progress. A vote of £40,000 is therefore proposed for the current year. Riversdale-Switzers. The bridge-work which was in hand when last year's Statement was brought down has since been completed, and work on the formation has been resumed. It is proposed to complete the formation this year to the Wendonside Road, about nine miles and a half from Riversdale. As the earthworks are not of a heavy character, and were partly formed several years ago, they should be completed during the coming summer, and a start made with rail-laying. When the section referred to is nearing completion the further section to Waikaia will be taken in hand. Out of last year's vote the sum of £3,551 was expended, and for the present year a vote of £8,000 is asked for. Orepuki-Waiau. The formation between Waihoaka and Te Tua, three miles and a half, has been completed and the rails laid, but no ballasting has yet been done. A suitable ballast-pit has been proved on the further section between Te Tua and Waiau, and the earthworks as far as this pit are actively in hand so as to enable the ballast-supply to be reached at an early date. Ballasting between Waihoaka and Te Tua will be taken in hand as soon as possible, and the balance of the formation to Waiau will be undertaken simultaneously. A contract has been let for the station buildings at Te Tua. As this line opens up a large area of valuable forest it is desirable to expedite its completion as much as possible. The expenditure last year amounted to £9,955, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. ii—D. 1,