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Reports. Survey Reports Nos. 1 to 22 (1866-94). Report on the Fossil Remains of New Zealand. J. W. Davis. (From Trans. Royal Dublin Society, Vol. iv, Ser. 11, 1885.) Bulletin No. 1, 1888: Amuri Earthquake. A. McKay. October, 1888. Bulletin No. 2, 1888: On the Ophir District, Otago. James Park. November, 1888. Index to Geological Reports, 1866 to 1885. 1889. Bulletin No. 1, 1892: West Coast Goldfields. A. McKay. 1892. Annual Deports on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory, Nos. 1 to 27 (1866-93). Maps. Geological Map of Both Islands of New Zealand, 1869. Geological Map of Both Islands of New Zealand, 1873. Geological Map of Both Islands of New Zealand, 1880; and on a reduced scale in handbook (Melbourne Exhibition). Geological Map of Both Islands, 1883, in " Handbook of New Zealand, 1883," and in Geological Report No. 16, 1884, Geological Map of Both Islands, 1885. Same as above, but dated 1885 in Catalogue of New Zealand Court, Indian and Colonial Exhibition, 1886. Sketch-map of Mineral Localities, 1886. In Geological Report No. 16, 1887. Published by Mines Department of New Zealand Government (1894-1904). Reports of the Government Geologist and others, as parliamentary papers. (Vide papers and reports relating to minerals and mining.) Annual Reports of the Colonial Analyst from 1893. No. 28 to date have been issued by the Mines Department. Separate Publications. Catalogue of Geological Models and Casts. Palaeontology of New Zealand: Part IV—Fossil Corals and Bryozoa. Tenison-Woods. Report on the Tarawera Volcanic District, F. W. Hutton. 1887. Handbook of New Zealand Mines. 1887. Report on the Eruption of Tarawera and Rotomahana. Professor Thomas. 1888. Report on the Auriferous Drifts of Central Otago. A. McKay. 1894. Report on the Recent Seismic Disturbances within Cheviot County in Northern Canterbury and the Amuri District of Nelson. A. McKay. 1902. Rocks of Cape Colvillc Peninsula. Determined by Professor Sollas. Introduction and Descriptive Notes by A. McKay. Vol. i, 1905; Vol. ii, 1906. Note.—The list of publications of the Geological Survey is taken almost in toto from Colonial Museum Bulletin No. I, by A. Hamilton, Esq., Director. A list of papers on New Zealand geology, arranged under authors' names, is given in Vol. xxxv, page 489, of the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, and this, of course, gives the whole of the papers written by officers of the Geological Survey of New Zealand prior to 1902. REORGANIZATION OF THE SURVEY. Towards the end of 1904 I was appointed as Director of the Geological Survey in succession to Sir James Hector. On my arrival in New Zealand in February, 1905, the Survey was reorganized, provision being made for the appointment of a permanent field and office staff. Besides these permanent officers, allowance was made for the appointment of temporary assistants on the various field staffs, and for the obtaining of 'skilled assistance, if required, for extra work during the summer months. The reorganized Geological Survey Department has outlined a scheme for the preparation of a detailed topographical and geological map of New Zealand. For this purpose the country has been cut up into divisions, each one of which is supposed to present a problem of especial interest, or several such problems, which can be conveniently grouped together. For example, the Hauraki division is of note chiefly on account of its containing the richest quartz-mining fields of the colony; the Karamea division contains the immense iron-ore deposits occurring near Parapara; the North Westland division is of marked interest because of its richly auriferous gravels, and of the veins and rock-masses from which they were derived; the Rotorua division contains the chief manifestations of the remarkable thermal phenomena for which New Zealand is justly famed ; and so on. Each division contains a number of survey districts corresponding in boundary with those of the Lands and Survey Department. Several survey districts which can be conveniently grouped together to give a continuous section of country comprise a subdivision. It is intended to prepare full reports, accompanied by geological and topographical maps, on each subdivision as soon as the necessary field-work in each case is completed, and to issue these to the public without delay at an almost nominal price. In carrying out the geological field-work a good topographical map is the first requisite; and on it, as a basis, the geological work is.placed. The whole area which is being investigated is most carefully examined, the various creeks are ascended, and the spurs and ridges followed in mountainous country. Every phase of geological science is given attention—the palasontologic, petrographic, structural, physiographic, and economic. However, especial stress is laid upon the economic side of geology, which relates to the occurrence of minerals of commercial value, and has a direct bearing upon the mining industry, the development of which is so important in any new country.