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53. Otorohanga Sawmill (Ellis and Burnand), Waitomo County. —This mill lias been in active operation for about fourteen years, and has several more years' cutting in sight. Its supplies are obtained generally from Native land, and consist principally of kahikatea, but there is also cut a fair quantity of rimu, matai, &c. The mill adjoins th"c Otorohanga Railway-station, and is connected with its bush by a line of tramway (crossing the Waipa River) of about four miles long. The head office is situated at Hamilton, where the proprietors have a large sash ami door and butter-box factory, employing seventy hands. As this firm draws additional supplies from their mills in the Taranaki and Wellington Provinces, it will be seen that Auckland is now drawing part supplies from the provinces named. Cutting-capacity, 2,500,000 superficial Eei I : output, 2,250.000 superficial feet; mill hands. 30. 54. Tawpo Totara Timber Company, Mokai, East Taupo County. —These mills are situated about seventeen miles west of Taupo Village, and have been in active operation for about eighteen months. The supplies are obtained from Native, European, and Crown lands, and are said to be amply sufficient for all requirements for many years. The plant is extensive and up to date. The produce is conveyed by the company's private line a distance of fifty-two miles to nearest railway-station, thence to nearest shipping port; the distance is 140 miles by Government line. There is a good local demand for the output, but the major portion is shipped to Wellington and other New Zealand ports. Cuttingcapacity, 18,000,000 superficial feet; output, 15,000,000 superficial feet; hands employed, 300. 55. Henderson's Mill, Waitangi, West Tawpo County. —This mill is situated about ten miles up the Taringamutu Valley from the railway-station of that name on the Auckland-Wellington Main Trunk line. This is also a comparatively new mill, having been erected some three years ago. The supplies are drawn from the Native bush adjacent to the mill. The company also have an extensive bush on the south side of the Taringamutu Valley. The classes of timber cut consist of totara, matai, kahikatea, and rimu. Produce delivered by railway to surrounding districts. Cutting-capacity, 1,250,000 superficial feet; output, 750,000 superficial feet; mill hands, 10. 55. Lovett and Ryan, Taringamutu, West Taupo County. —This is a small mill situated on the south side of the Taringamutu Stream, being about half a mile distant, and about three miles by road from the Main Trunk Railway at Taringamutu. Like other mills in this district, it has only been working about two years ; its supplies are at present drawn from a small patch of Native-owned bush, the output being used locally. Class of timber cut consists of totara, matai, and rimu. Cutting-capacity, 800,000 superficial feet; output, 500,000 superficial feet; mill hands, 6. 57. Taumarunui Timber Company, West Taupo County. —This company's mill is situated on the Main South Road, about one mile north of Taumarunui Township and Railway-station. The mill is a useful size, fully equipped with modern appliances, and is connected with the bush workings by an excellent tram-line. A steam hauler is used in the bush. Supplies are obtained from Crown and Native land, and comprise totara, matai, rimu, and kahikatea. The produce is disposed of locally and in surrounding districts. Dimension orders are also executed for Roads and Railway Departments. Cuttingcapacity, 1,600.000 superficial feet; output, 800,000 superficial feet; hands employed, 14. 58. Andrews and Greening, Weal Taupo.—This mill is situated in Taumarunui Township. Supplies arc drawn from Native and Crown lands. The class of timber cut is principally totara and matai. Produce is disposed of locally or in adjoining districts. Cutting-capacity. 1,000,000 superficial feet; output. 600.000 superficial feet ; mill hands, 7. 59. Pulvtapu Timber Company, West Taupo. — These mills are situated on the Auckland-Welling-ton Main Trunk Railway, at its junction with the Wanganui River. Operations commenced about two years ago, and recently the company have erected a second mill, thus considerably increasing the output. Supplies are drawn from Native-owned bush, over which it is said the company own extensive cutting rights. The company have; constructed some miles of light railway, connecting the bush workings with their mills ; the latter are fully equipped with modern appliances. The principal timbers cut are totara, matai, kahikatea, and rimu. About 25 per cent, of the produce is disposed of locally, and the remainder is despatched to Wellington and southern New Zealand ports. Distance from mill to nearest shipping port, per Government railway, 175 miles. Cutting-capacity. 7,000.000 superficial feet; output, 6,000,000 superficial feet ; hands employed., 125.