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on a small fire which had arisen they took brattice in, when a small quantity of gas which had accumulated near the roof came in contact with a flame from the fire. (8/11/1906) : Frederick Olive Anderson, acting assistant manager, and William Lee, mechanical engineer, were missed during the morning, and their bodies were subsequently found in the return airway, which was heavily fouled by gases from a partially deluged spontaneous fire at No. 9, which latter, it is assumed, deceased went in to explore. (17/12/1906) : James Hill, banksman, and David Coulter, miner, sustained burns of face, neck, and arms by an ignition of gas at top of new sinking air-shaft. Owing to unfavourable weather, ventilation was dull, and work in the shaft was suspended. Hill, Coulter, and a miner named Ulingworth were engaged adjusting the plumb-lines, when Ulingworth struck a match to light his pipe and caused the ignition. (5/2/1907) : Alexander Bennie, miner, was fatally injured at No. 3 level, No. 18 dip, by a fall of coal from low roof, crushing deceased on the end of a box which he had just filled. A pillar " nug " occurred, and the coal, about 10 cwt., came suddenly away from a " sooty back." Deceased's brother and workmate stated that he had sounded the roof prior to the accident, and, although " drummy," he thought it safe. Castle Hill Colliery, Kaitangata (New Zealand Coal and Oil Company, owners ; W. Carson, minemanager).—(l2/12/1906) : This mine has been unusually vigorously worked during the year on account of the difficulties encountered at the sister Kaitangata Mine. Green's Seam district had been extensively drawn upon for output, the north level driven to the roll and No. 5 dip to the fault, pillaring and robbing being subsequently conducted. The carriage heading section, south extension, had been practically exhausted, and fire-stoppings are being put in. No. 6 dip in this section is down 100 ft. to the face. Stone drive crosscut section pillars have been freely drawn upon. The main cross-measures extension had intersected a new 6 ft, seam, and levels and headings are being driven for development. Air-register, 21,672 cubic feet per minute. Working-places, roadways, and airways maintained in safe condition with timber. Ventilation good. Traces of gas are occasionally met with in advancing places, which are kept bratticed up close to the face, and only safety-lamps used. A water-balance for man-hoisting purposes at the upcast air-shaft has been submitted to successive trials, which are yet incomplete. Rules posted. Report-books kept; and plans to date. Joseph Terry, twenty, repairer, sustained injuries to chest and head through being struck by a runaway box while working on No. 1 heading south, on the 26th May. The circumstances surrounding the runaway were not satisfactorily explained, but inquiry failed to elicit sufficient information to enable further proceedings being taken. Wangaloa Coal-mine, Kaitangata.— (Joseph Smith, lessee).—The coal is still mined as required for, local consumption. Mainholm Colliery, Conical Hills, Waipahi (W. Lischner).—Opencast workings. 3,190 tons of lignite were produced during the year. Three men employed. Central Otago. W. J. Tonkin's Property, Ettrick. —Prospecting operations were carried out by David Jones, but the work proved unsuccessful in finding a payable seam of coal. Coal Creek Collieries, Coal Creek Flat, Roxburgh (R. Pilling, jun., secretary ; J. Barber, mine-man-ager).—(23/5/1906) : Leasehold Mine : The " old mine " pillars and head coal were won opencast to water-level. A dip was then started to work the coal " underfoot," and a large quantity of coal has been won in this way. As all the coal from this section must now be mined from the dip, a new drive has been put in to meet the seam in the dip and lessen the water difficulty. 2,165 tons of coal were extracted from this section during the year. Freehold Mine : Although. 2,474 tons of coal were raised from this section during the year, very little work has been done during the last half-year. The dredging companies raised objection to the class of coal produced from the mine, and in order to retain the trade it was necessary to draw supplies from the leasehold section. Rules posted. Report-book and plan kept up. The company employs on an average ten men. McPherson's Coal-pit, Coal Creek, Roxburgh (Mrs. M. McPherson, lessee ; A. McPherson, manager). —(23/5/1906) : This opencast pit has been worked during the year on the usual good lines. Two work-ing-faces are now opened up. Six men are employed in stripping and in mining coal. 4,836 tons of coal were sold during the year. Craig's Perseverance Coal-mine, Coal Creek Flat, Roxburgh (James Craig, lessee ; W. Craig, permit). —(23/5/1906) : The old dip-workings have been blocked off, and the north-western area, which was heating, has been flooded. A new dip drive has been put down to maintain ventilation, pumping, and haulage. On the eastern end of the lease the coal is being worked opencast. 3,372 tons were raised during the year. Six men employed. Progress Colliery {Gully Pit), Roxburgh (A. Edmeades, lessee).—No work was done on this area during the year. McQueenville Colliery, Alexandra (S. T. Lett, lessee).—(2o/12/1906) : The area is kept fenced off pending complete settlement of the worked-out portions. The surface plumps are being attended to at intervals. Lett's New Mine, Gemmell's Gully, Alexandra (S. T. Lett, lessee).—(2o/12/1906): No work has been done on this area during the year, and the lessee has abandoned his intention of working it, Alexandra Coal-mine, Alexandra (Mathias Bros, and Co., lessees; A. Hunter, manager).— (10/1/1906) : Mr. Hunter reported an occurrence of firedamp on the 4th instant in a pot-hole in roof at water lodgment, discovered while niaking ordinary morning examination with safety-lamp. The gas having been cleared by ventilation had not subsequently been seen. Working-places in good order, but air a little dull at two faces, which were improved by bratticing. The fault parallel to the dip

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