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Mr. E. FR. Green, Inspector of Mines, Dunedin, to the Under - Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Office of Inspector of Mines (Southern District), Dunedin, 19th March, 1907. I have the honour to submit the following report on the coal-mines in the Southern District for the year ending the 31st December, 1906, in fulfilment of the requirements of section 75 of " The Coal-mines Act, 1905 " :— Canterbury. Springfield Colliery, Springfield (J. Taylor, permit).—(4/12/1906) : Operations at this mine are gradually decreasing. No output of fireclay during the year. Two men generally employed. Springfield Fireclay Works, Springfield (lately Victoria Mine) (Luke Greening, mine-manager, permit).—(4/12/1906) : This property, formerly known as Victoria Mine, was sold by W. J. Cloudesley to the above company. At the time of my visit the mine was idle, pending the completion of a new air-shaft, as the workings had been extended beyond the influence of the existing shaft. The potteryworks were in active operation. Dalelhorpe Coal-mine, Springfield (G. Rutherford, owner; P. Campbell, manager).—(4/12/1906) : T learned on this visit that operations had been suspended. Homebush Colliery, Glentunnel (J. C. Campbell, manager ; Dean's trustees, owners).—(2l/12/1906) : South-going dip-workings are stopped meanwhile, and Nos. 1 and 2 continue to supply the bulk of output, from this section. Ventilation is much improved since the fuiiiac-3 started. The new overcast for air-return from the north side will be another advantage when finished. It is estimated that the pillaring section to rise will last three years at present rate of output. The underviewer claims that less than 20 tons of coal have been lost in the pillars during the past twelve months. That close attention continues to be paid by officials to the false roof and safe timbering of working-places is evidenced by freedom from accident from that cause. The surface tramway from mine-mouth to railway is being straightened and graded to suit the light locomotive which is being imported to replace horse-haulage. Rules posted, plans kept, and report-books to date. 184 tons of fireclay were produced during the year for manufacture on the premises. St. Helens Colliery, Whitecliffs (H. Levick, permic). —(21/12/1906) : The old workings to rise are now exhausted. A new dip-drive and air-shaft are sunk on a 3 ft. seam of coal to the westward of all old workings. '. Craigiebum Coal-mine, West Coast Road (D. Manson).—During the year 35 tons of coal mined tor station and local requirements. Snowdon Coal-mine, Rakaia Gorge (George Gerard).—Coal mined for station purposes and local requhements. Kakahu Colliery, Gerald.ine (George Robu-fson, owner).—(B/12/1906) : A small prospecting shaft has been sunk on the creek-bank in the coal-measures underlying the limestone formation, The 2 ft. seam is visible, but efforts to reach the 8 ft. seam said to underlie are not being prosecuted meanwhile. Christchurch Lime Company, Slaveley (R. li. Scott, secretary, Christchurch).—No work has been done in connection with the coal-seams on this property during the year. Mount Somers Coal Company, Mount Somers (Andrew Thompson, mine-manager ; George Nell, secretary).—(l9/12/1906) : Headings and hvels are apparently up to boundaries on northern [and western sides of the freehold. The nianager suggests that new workings will be undertaken on Gibson's leasehold adjoining. Air good. Report-bock to date. Seam known to be 30 ft. in thickness. Woolshed Creek Colliery, Mount Somers (W. T. Doak, secretary; Thomas Harris, permit).— (19/12/1906) : Underground workings are now being extended to northward, but the coal is stony and roof bad, to which timber is set where required. Air good. This company, as applicants for a coal lease over Clown lands adjoining and to northward of the Mount Somirs Coal Company's freehold, if successful in securing the area, announce their intention of an extension of the county tramline up the valley of Chapman's Creek. _ "Albury Coal-mine, Chamberlain Settlement, Albury (G. H. Willetts, lessee and permit-holder).— (21/11/1906) : Under new tenancy the mine is working steadily in supply of local requirements. Mr. Willects concurred that the main level should be taken narrow under the creek-bed in ordei to avoid risk of falling roof letting the water into the mine. Seam, 10 ft. Waihao Coal Syndicate, Waihao Forks (G. Lomas, permic).—(22/11/1906): Seam, 5 ft., having 2ft of shale interbedded. System of work, modified long wall. A prospecting shaft, 6 ft. 2 in. by 4ft in the clear, being sunk at about 20 chains from Waihao Forks Railway-station, is down 173 ft. in the green sands, at which point water was struck, necessitating steam winding and pumping appliances, which are now being furnished. Elephant Hill, Waihao Downs (Lewis Mathias).—About 84 tons of coal have been taken from this pit during the year for station and local requirements. Dalgety Coal-pit, Hakataramea (New Zealand and Australian Land Company, owners ; J. Drysdale, manager).—A new mine has been opened further up the creek-bank, where the seam is semivertical and 30 ft. in thickness. North Otago. Wharekuri Coal-pit, Wharekuri (A. Shanks).—(3o/10/1906) : The new drive is to some extent unfortunately situated in having struck the old workings, of which no plans are available. The work, however, is not all loss, as a certain percentage of coal left standing by former woikers is recoverable. An uprise to surface for air-return is about to be started. Cairns's Coal-area, Awakino, Kurow (W. B. Cairns, licensee).—(3o/11/1906): Practically, nothing has been done on this area since the license was granted.