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The total number of mines returned as being worked during the year was 150, of which sixteen employ more than twenty persons, and are therefore required by " The Coal-mines Act, 1905," to be under the control and supervision of a first-class certificated mine-manager. Mines employing over six but not exceeding twenty persons number forty-three, and for their management the holders of first- or second-class certificates must be employed. For mines at which not more than six persons are employed a competent person holding a permit from the Inspector of Mines for the district may be employed.


SECTION III.—ACCIDENTS. Summary of fatal and non-fatal accidents classified, and cause : —

Northern District. vest Coas' Distriot. Southern District. Total Total Net Increase. Total Class of Coal, &c. Increase. crease. "Da Increase. crease. „ ; Increase. Inorease. orease. crease. lituminous and semibituminous coal 'itch-coal... Irown coal ■ignite Tons. 6,251 Tons. Tons. Tons. 106,074 90 ... 524 Tons. 1,799 Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 35,059 11,516 5,499 Totals 41,310 106,688 ... 7,298 11,816 155,296 11,516! 143,780

Inspection Distriot. Average Number of Persons employed during 1906. i i Above ground. j Below Ground. : Total. Northern West Coast Southern 111 731 332 406 1,313 799 517 2,044 1,131 Totals, 1906 1,174 2,518 3,692 Totals, 1905 833 2,436 3,269

Patal Ac icidents. Non-fatal Accidents. Number of Separate Patal Accidents. Number of Deaths. Number of Separate Non-fatal Accidents. Number of Persons injured, including those injured by Accidents which proved Fatal to their Companions. I Explosions of firedamp Falls in mine ... Shaft accidents Miscellaneous —- Underground On surface ... 2 "2 2 12 1 4 12 1 2 1 3 1 13 13 Totals 28 30