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Cement-working. Millikin and Party are working their alluvial claim and crushing the cements and sands. The values from this property keep well to the front, both fron>the alluvial and cemented auriferous sand deposits. Crushing was commenced recently. During the year 1906 5,000 tons were crushed, yielding 260 oz. melted gold. Golden Sands, Adclison's. —This property was formerly opened by an Auckland company, and subsequently abandoned. McCulloch and party (four men) on resuming operations have erected a four-stamp mill, and are working a layer of cemented sand 4 ft. thick in the open. Results have paid average wages and all incidental expenses incurred during the year. Charleston. PoweU's Sluicing and Elevating Claim. —During the year this enterprising private party has purchased and relaid 1,740 ft. of 22 in. pipe-line, to effect a more direct connection between the main race at Cronanville and the elevating plant situated on the South Beach. The water-supply now acting on the elevator maintains a mean head-pressure of 300 ft., which, if required, is capable to elevate and distribute the sands on the open tables to a height of 30 ft. ; average working-height, 20 ft. The yield of gold for 1906 was 670 oz. 8 dwt. 9 gr., valued at £2,278 11s. 9d. The Charleston Beach Company having abandoned all mining operations, the property and plant were finally disposed of, the Powell party being the successful purchasers, who now work the property as a joint concern. MuECHISON. Walker's Maruia Gold-mining Company (M. M. Webster, secretary, Nelson). —The various works in connection with this extensive sluicing scheme were completed in the beginning of the year 1907, and the water turned on ; but, relative to the future prospects of the company, it would be premature to forecast any suggestion. One thing is certain : the general aspect of the various developments and equipments is substantially and well ordered, and, according to Mr. Walker's own statement, cost will not be considered in perfecting every detail in the economy of labour and efficiency of plant. Six-mile Hydraulic Sluicing Company. —This company is now in liquidation. James James in charge. Yield of gold for the year, 44 oz. 9 dwt., valued at £166 10s. Horse Terrace Sluicing Company (Charles Beilby, manager).—This sluicing property, now operative on two faces of washdirt, is worked continuously with full water-supply. The pipe-line connections, electric lighting, and sawmilling installations are well maintained and in good order, and are capable of maintaining all requirements of the property. Although the auriferous drifts form an extensive face, values scarcely meet anticipations. Seven men employed. Yield of gold for the year amounted to 307 oz. 18 dwt., valued at £1,191 12s. sd. Hydraulic Sluicing, Fern Flat. —Since the option was acquired there has been no further work done on this property. New LyeU Sluicing Company. —This company is now in liquidation, and Mr. George Welsh has purchased the mining privileges at public auction. Prior to commencing sluicing operations two men were engaged in effecting certain developments. In future the property will be worked under the title of the " Old Kent Road Sluicing Company." Newton River Sluicing Company. —This company is now in liquidation, and all mining rights have been sold. There are three men employed under the charge of Mr. William Kane. Yield of gold for the year, 242 oz. 9 dwt., valued at £926 os. 7d. Evans and Fair having abandoned their mining privilege, Bartley and Lewis purchased the pipelines, &c, and have erected them across the Buller River'for the'purpose of maintaining a more efficient water-supply. Johnson's Creek, Matakitaki River. —August Stackpool and party (four men), with full supply of water, maintain average wages. Matakitaki River. —Mammoth Claim only finds employment for one man. There are still a few Europeans and Chinese working on the river-beaches with varying results. Hunter's Claim. —This mining area, originally held by William White (deceased), is now owned by Hunter and party of throe men. When water is available returns are satisfactory. Mitchell and Thomson's Sluicing Claim (four men) —The owners of this property combine farming and mining as one common and profitable enterprise, with the result that mining receives first consideration when water is plentiful, and farming in pleasant weather. There are about the same number of aged fossickers raking out the river-beaches, thereby eking out a bare living. Fairhall and Party, of four men, continue to carry on successful sluicing operations at Fern Flat. The supply of water is fairly regular. Boatman's. Howell and Party. —As the water-supply on this sluicing property is much dependent on the rainfall, the earning-power of the claim has been much enhanced during the recent continuous wet season, when compared with other seasons less favourable. Results for 1906 were satisfactory. Whelan and Party (two men) continue to work their claim on the terrace lands adjoining the coalmeasures, but scarcity of water -is a big drawback, otherwise the auriferous values are 'equal to maintaining good wages. Grey Valley. Blackwater. —Since the reef were recently discovered in the Upper Blackwater district, alluvial mining has now taken a secondary place, particularly in the European population. The Chinese,